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    • 1.

      What To Do When you Get a Surprise Grade

      by Jane Saeman - 2006-12-05
      Even though you are a good student, have you had the chance to be riding home on a school bus and dreading the moment when you would have to hand your report card over to your mom and dad? What may h...
    • 2.

      What makes a Quality Home Tutor

      by Yoong Kheong Fong - 2007-01-27
      I would like to share my point of view in qualifying a quality home tutor. In my interactions with parents, students and tutors, I have gained insights into the realm of home tuition and its mechanics...
    • 3.

      Is It Necessary to Hire a Spelling Tutor?

      by Jane Saeman - 2007-06-09
      A spelling tutor is a professional who specializes in helping students who have trouble with spelling words. Spelling is a particularly important subject for children in primary school and the dreade...
    • 4.

      How to Deal with Homeschooling Nay-Sayers

      by Jane Saeman - 2007-09-06
      Everyone who decides to homeschool their children will run into at least one person, maybe more, that tell them they shouldn't homeschool. The decision to homeschool, isn't an easy one to make, and o...
    • 5.

      Homeschooling Basics

      by Jane Saeman - 2007-09-06
      If you're new to the idea of homeschooling, you likely have questions. Are you overwhelmed at the different choices you have to make? How do you prepare for the school year? Do you have to buy a sp...
    • 6.

      Seven Ways the Internet Can Help with Homeschooling

      by Jane Saeman - 2007-09-07
      Homeschooling and the Internet - many consider the two to be a match made in heaven. In fact, those who homeschool would be hard pressed to do so without the Internet. The following seven ways expla...
    • 7.

      Why Tutors Are Important

      by Tristan Andrews - 2007-11-08
      Not every child learns the same way. Some children pick up the material that the teachers are teaching quickly and others do not. Fortunately, for the students who fall a little behind or have trouble...
    • 8.

      The Past Is History Tutors

      by Tristan Andrews - 2008-01-02
      One subject in school that requires quite a bit of learning is History. It has been said to be one of the hardest subjects in school. The reason being that history has so many dates and events that it...
    • 9.

      Will A Tutor Really Help My Child?

      by Tristan Andrews - 2008-04-24
      When your third grader comes home with a C in math, after you've tried to motivate him by paying him for good grades or taking him to the zoo, and you've tried every other bribe you could think of tha...
    • 10.

      Should You Get A Tutor for Your Preschool Child?

      by Tristan Andrews - 2008-04-24
      When you start considering what your child is capable of learning - how his mind is like a sponge or an empty computer disk that is going to be filled with something, you begin to wonder if you should...