tubal reversal

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  • tubal reversal

    • 1.

      Tubal Reversal Ligation

      by Gary Berger - 2007-03-30
      Dr. Gary Berger is a reproductive surgeon who has specialized in tubal reversal surgery for the past 29 years. He is the founder and Medical Director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, the only med...
    • 2.

      New Study Shows Tubal Reversal Is More Successful Than Ivf

      by Gary Berger - 2007-05-14
      Dr. Gary S. Berger., medical director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, has released the results of the most comprehensive study done to date of tubal reversal surgery and its resulting outcomes. ...
    • 3.

      What Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Symptoms Do You Have?

      by Sandra Wilson - 2008-06-26
      Post tubal ligation syndrome is the name applied to all those different symptoms you have been suffering since having your tubes tied. At least, if you have run across this article, most likely that i...
    • 4.

      Health, Tubal Reversal - Should You Get One? - 3 Questions to Ask

      by SANDRA WILSON - 2008-07-16
      Suppose you had a tubal ligation and like so many women every year, you decide you want to have a baby. What are your choices? Most likely they will be either a tubal reversal or IVF. But you w...
    • 5.

      'untying' Tied Tubes: A Successful Story Of Tubal Ligation Reversal.

      by Dr. Monteith - 2008-10-06
      Chapel Hill tubal reversal employees meet their new patient who came from New Jersey. Her last child was born 10 years ago and she had a tubal ligation five years after the birth of her last child.She...
    • 6.

      Health, Want to Untie Tubes? Compare IVF vs. Tubal Reversal

      by SANDRA WILSON - 2009-02-04
      IVF vs. tubal reversal is usually the comparison that is made when a woman wishes to untie tubes that have been blocked by tubal ligation. Usually her doctor will introduce IVF as the only real o...
    • 7.

      Tubal Ligation Reversal - What Contributes To The High Pregnancy Rate?

      by Sandra Wilson - 2009-04-26
      Well more than half a million women in the USA decide to have their tubes tied every year. However, within a period of five years following such an operation, around 6% of them will decide that they d...
    • 8.

      Health Articles - Using the Help of an IVF Treatment

      by ANIRBAN BHATTACHARYA - 2009-06-09
      IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is one of the most popular ways of conceiving artificially when normal reproduction is not possible. It is perhaps the best known "Assisted Reproductive" procedure employ...
    • 9.

      Health Articles - Female Infertility Treatment - Causes and Symptoms

      by ANIRBAN BHATTACHARYA - 2009-06-16
      Female infertility is one of the most common problems faced by women. In fact, it is much more common than statistics would have us believe. This is because the symptoms of female infertility are not ...
    • 10.

      Health Articles - Baby Genetic Screening: An Effective Approach

      by ANIRBAN BHATTACHARYA - 2009-07-07
      New discoveries and tremendous developments in reproductive science have brought a sort of revolution and also given a hope to many. It is a kind of evaluation process of embryo that can be started af...