by Richard Sem - 2007-01-27
Let's pretend that a wise holy man, inspired by God Himself, is revealed today. Let's further pretend that he presents us with the Meaning of Life, the answer to at least some of the eternal question...
by Michael Bustamante - 2007-02-02
Bible colleges provide opportunities to gain academic education in a Christian environment. Most Bible colleges are moderate in size and offer small classes so that individuals become acquainted with ...
by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot - 2007-02-14
At first glance, you may not quite comprehend the meaning of holistic theology, but for prospective students who are inclined to an education in metaphysics and holistic health, the American Insti...
by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot - 2007-02-15
Find Holistic Theology Studies in the United States and Canada. Individuals, who wish to explore metaphysics, may find that holistic theology studies are the way to go. Many alternativ...
by Lawrence Hilliard - 2007-03-23
All philosophical, theological and political discourse issues from a presuppositional matrix. The communicator's ideas are characterized, influenced, and motivated by such a preexisting corpus of ante...
by Clark Nelson - 2007-05-06
Research Summation Advances Faith began the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. Sixteen years ago, I began this section to explain why and how I chose to do ancie...
by Fern Holm - 2007-05-13
*From a LIFE TODAY interview with hosts James & Betty Robison, April 17, 2007 - Tammy Maltby, author of Confessions of a Good Christian Girl: "There is only one perfect one and that is our father, Jes...
by MICHAEL BRESCIANI - 2007-09-11
The new morality born a generation ago is still not allowed into the circle of conservative biblical Christianity. This has driven some of it's proponents to take another approach. Under the auspi...
by Rev Michael Bresciani - 2007-09-18
Perhaps the day has come when the well known comment made by C. S. Lewis is undergoing prophetic fulfillment. Lewis said that in today's world of intellectual pride and pomposity that Christ pro...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-10-09
The only beliefs that will survive are those that give strong regal confirmation. The absence of such confirmation may lead to the skepticism or the atheism. Philosophy deals with many questions...