by Mike Brantley - 2006-11-27
As I sit down for my traditionally untraditional Thanksgiving meal this year, I am faced with a conundrum happened across by many a vagabond sports fan. As is tradition, Thanksgiving is inundated wit...
by Cindy Klein - 2006-12-04
With Thanksgiving in a couple days and Christmas, Hannukah and the other big eating days ahead, you've probably seen a few articles recently telling you how to survive the holidays without resorting t...
by Matthew Homfray - 2006-12-04
Thanksgiving is this week, and the rest of the holiday season is fast approaching. It's a busy time for all of us, but it is very important to make sure that your pet is kept safe from any danger.At t...
by John Dealey - 2006-12-04
In 1620 120 people boarded two ships, the Mayflower and the Speedwell, for the "New World". After 64 days difficult journey the Mayflower was to be the only ship to reach the "New World" and the numbe...
by Jaci Rae - 2006-12-05
It's that time of year again. The shops are hanging out their decorations with care in hopes, no really it's because St. Nick is almost here! It seems like every year stress is a main ingredient durin...
by David Ben-Ariel - 2006-11-20
This recent exchange with a gentleman at the History Channel forum is just in time for Thanksgiving Day... The twelve tribes themselves are not European in origin The Twelve Tribes of Israel...
by Diane Watkins - 2006-10-31
There are many methods used to cook a moist and tasty Roasted Turkey. Most methods rely on basting. The turkey can be basted every 30 minutes with a basting bulb, or covered with cheesecloth soaked in...
by Lisa DeClue - 2007-01-03
Below are some Thanksgiving and Christmas Tips that I hope you'll find helpful. But first, I'd like to take a minute to thank you for your support and being a caring part of the homemaking decorators ...
by Thomas Fortenberry - 2007-01-19
Expressing our gratitude to God for all He has done for us and continues to do for us moment by moment is, I believe, good for us emotionally, physically, and spiritually.More importantly, the heart o...
by Vic Hanson - 2007-03-17
When I was a student, all the way through high school, I hated English class. I didn't do well in spelling, grammar, speech or writing. I gave a speech once on why I shouldn't have to give a speech (I...