by Sarah Freeland - 2006-12-07
Fashion design has always been an industry that has both reflected and created pop culture trends. Fashion designers have been able to take the trends and social philosophies of an era and translate t...
by Christopher Mantford - 2006-12-26
The Metallic Yarn Manufacturing ProcessMetallic yarns are by and large made from strips of a synthetic film, such as polyester, coated with metallic particles. In one more method, aluminum foil strips...
by Robyn Smith - 2007-03-05
The textiles vs leathers debate is all about tradeoffs. Choosing which material to use to cover your hide with and spend your pennies on depends on how much you value individual tradeoffs and ultimate...
by Robert Palmer - 2007-03-12
The textiles vs leathers debate is all about tradeoffs. Choosing which material to use to cover your hide with and spend your pennies on depends on how much you value individual tradeoffs and ultim...
by Annette Garcia - 2007-04-23
Textile goods are social objects that assume an importance beyond household maintenance and use. In all ages they have been seen as displays of conspicuous consumption and reserves of wealth, but has ...
by Mc Lee - 2007-06-23
In 2005, the US$ 5 billion plus acrylic fiber industry expanded by 5.1% in terms of value and by 2.8% in terms of volume. During the year, global production of acrylic staple fibre touched 2,791 thous...
by Mc Lee - 2007-06-23
Textile business is flourishing in countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The various reasons for the growth of this sector are natural resources, government support (TUFS) technology up g...
by Rajkumar Kanagasingam - 2007-06-25
Most German-Brazilians speak only Portuguese nowadays. However, German was still spoken by over 600,000 Brazilians, as first or second language according to 2005 survey.German influence can still be s...
by Mc Lee - 2007-06-29
Polyester is a synthetic fibre derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum. Polyester fibres are formed from a chemical reaction between an acid and alcohol. In this reaction, two or more molecules c...
by Mc Lee - 2007-06-29
Linen is made for people who prefer comfort over cost. Linen fibre is derived from the stem of the flax plant and spun into a lustrous and strong yarn which, like cotton, is both extremely washable an...