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  • teenager

    • 31.

      Understanding The Gay Teen

      by Annabelle Rox - 2007-07-03
      In the past, it could be said that talking to your teens about sexuality was relatively straightforward. These discussions normally centred on the average heterosexual relationships without any refere...
    • 32.

      Learn How Anyone Can Become Cool

      by Eden Katz - 2007-07-03
      Many of us do not know what it was like to be one of the cool kids in school, and many of us spend our whole lives trying to achieve the popularity we did not have back in school. To do this they will...
    • 33.

      How to Be Cool as Ice

      by Ellie Schneider - 2007-07-01
      Find out what some people are doing to try to make themselves appear cool to others, and what is cool and how do you achieve it.Lots of people who went thru school as one of the not cool people,...
    • 34.

      Does Your Child Know How To Be A Good Friend?

      by Nicole Rocheleau-8975 - 2007-08-01
      Remember when you were a kid how it felt to have a best friend who would do anything for you? A friend who giggled at your silly jokes, cheered you up when you needed encouragement, and stood by you i...
    • 35.

      Does Your Child Know How to be A Good Friend?

      by Robert Palmer - 2007-08-02
      Remember when you were a kid how it felt to have a best friend who would do anything for you? A friend who giggled at your silly jokes, cheered you up when you needed encouragement, and stood b...
    • 36.

      Now You Can Get Along Perfectly With Your Teenage Boy

      by - 2007-09-22
      Are you having the worst moments with your teenage boy? That is truly understandable. You’re not the only one.Boys that age are actually having an issue with themselves. The process of transform...
    • 37.

      Teaching Your Teenager That It Is Alright To Just Say No

      by Donald Saunders - 2007-10-25
      This may seem an odd thing to say but a large number of parents do not understand how crucial it is to teach children that dating and sex are not the same thing. Sad though it is many teenagers si...
    • 38.

      Holly Mann Author Of Honest Riches Is Internet Marketing New Joan Of Arc, Or Is She?

      by Gregory Henderson - 2007-11-22
      Holly Mann Author Of Honest Riches ebook is a 24 yr old single mom who began working online while pregnant a few years ago. Trying to endure life's difficulties and frustrations while living in ...
    • 39.

      Entrepreneurship Has No Age Limit Or Boundaries... We All Have What It Takes!

      by Gregory Henderson - 2007-11-22
      Entrepreneurship begins with dreams. They create new ideas through the generation of random thought mutations. Some of these may be rejected by the mind as useless, while others may be seen as v...
    • 40.

      Parents: How To Deal With Adolescent Taboos

      by Teeja Hivsbob - 2008-04-24
      The adolescent years can be quite troublesome for the teenager. More changes occur during this relatively brief years compared to the rest of an individual's adult life, and sometimes the sudden rush...