teenage acne
teenage acne
by Carmen VJ - 2006-12-01
We are all looking for that flawless skin we see in the magazines. That saids alot about the society we live in. Well unfortunately, the society we live in teaches young teens that looks are more impo...
by James Hegarty - 2006-12-07
Believe it or not acne is the most common skin ailment in the world. In the United States of America for instance acne affects over twenty million people, yes you read it right 20 million people. It p...
by Anne Phillips - 2006-12-22
Teenagers are the main age group feeling the affects of acne, due to natural body developments and hormonal changes. Both growth and sex hormones - which, as their names imply, are responsible for phy...
by Nathan James - 2007-01-04
In spite of the fact that the scientific knowledge about acne and its causes has progressed in the last few years, there are still many myths that continue to be held as truth.The following are five o...
by Nathan James - 2007-01-31
There are several things that occur in the skin that can lead to acne blemishes. Acne occurs when the pores become blocked. The precise combination of things that can lead to acne are not fully known ...
by Nathan James - 2007-02-09
Acne is a common problem - for teenagers especially, but people of all ages can suffer from it. With it being so common, many rumors have popped up over the years. Many of these acne myths have become...
by James Hegarty - 2007-02-28
To get rid of acne naturally consider water as your most potent medication. It sounds hard to believe or accept if you are asking the question, what is the natural treatment for acne, but first ask yo...
by James Hegarty - 2007-02-28
Acne is a condition that should be considered to be literally skin deep. The best product for acne should be a treatment that combines both internal and external treatments to be effective. The most i...
by James Hegarty - 2007-02-28
For many people acne is considered a problem that mainly affects the face. The main reason for this assumption is that this is where it is most visible. Unfortunately this is not the case as acne can ...
by Nathan James - 2007-03-01
Proper skin care is important any time, but it's particularly important if you're dealing with acne. One of the "secrets" to controlling an acne problem is to keep your skin as healthy as you can. Thi...