by Tim Gorman - 2007-01-08
Golf is an exciting game of skill and stamina. Like any other sport, the more you play, the stronger and more accurate you become. Competing with a variety of players of different abilities on a varie...
by Syd Z. Nohcud - 2007-02-04
You may have wondered if your golfing predecessor existed. Was there such a person who also thought up the concept of a golf tournament for an easy day off and a chance to beat the pants off your supe...
by Razvan Jr - 2007-02-08
Have you ever wanted to design your own clothing? Do you ever see people wearing t-shirts with slogans on them and think "I could come up with something cool". Well, with technology improving in the...
by Drew23 - 2007-02-16
Few other sports depend so greatly on the integrity and good temperament of the players than golf. Unlike other sports, golf does not depend on the supervision of referees or umpires. Players are expe...
by Richard C Myers - 2007-02-16
Many golfers judge golf course distances subconsciously. They look at the hole and "feel" the distance. This is not as accurate as consciously computing how far you are from the green. The "feel" can ...
by Richard C Myers - 2007-02-16
As a senior golfer myself and having helped other senior golfers, I can tell you that getting older doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a lot of distance off the tee.There are so many golfers mistakenl...
by Syd Nohcud - 2007-03-01
Was golf introduced in the U.S.A. solely as a means by lazy employees to get a Friday afternoon off? You be the judge! Perhaps .Perhaps not. What is the history of the sprea...
by Bill Prudehome - 2007-03-21
Suspended ceilings, using a metal lattice or grid and acoustical ceiling tiles are one of the easiest ceilings to install. Yet, home handymen seem to run into numerous problems that result in a poorl...
by Tom Straub - 2007-04-01
To answer the question of what kind of golf clubs are the best, it would probably be good to understand a little about the history and development of golf clubs and golf balls. Here are some quick...
by Thomas Straub - 2007-04-08
A golf course is just a golf course right? Not necessarily. Golf courses have been evolving since the 15th century. If you saw one during the 15th century in Scotland, you, like most people, probably ...