tarot readings
tarot readings
by Mr Prez - 2007-11-30
What is a psychic?The word 'psychic' originates from the Greek word 'Psyche' meaning the human soul, spirit, or mind.Psychic - from Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary1 - of or pertain...
by Umar - 2008-05-20
Holistic background Tarot card has its own ancient history. It was used as a cultural symbol for many of the aspects like ailment, magic, witchcrafts, love spells, romance, ritual and ceremony etc. T...
by Umar - 2008-06-15
Interpreting Tarot cards is not an easy task. A tarot reading is considered as the most difficult art that includes the process of divination and intuition. For getting maximum results in favor of th...
by Umar - 2008-06-15
Venus is a planet which is known as 'Shukra'. In an astrological graphic representation, Venus presides over romance, loveliness, enthusiasm, possessions, dance, melody, rain and bed room. A big and ...
by Umar - 2008-06-19
Introducing psychics• Psychic reading is the art of for-tellers and seers carried on since the times of ancients and primitive people. Psychics contain a lot of different forms and styles for the futu...
by Umar - 2008-06-21
Becoming a psychic is not an easy task, because it obtains and contains a lot of processes which are discussed as under.• Before becoming a psychic, you will have to show such a kind of unique self-be...
by Umar - 2008-06-30
It has been found that people, from different cultures, races, places and even genders and ages, have similar sort of psychic abilities. To identify people who demonstrate psychic abilities and to und...
by Umar - 2008-07-04
To define parapsychology is never an easy task and most of the problems in this connection have been created by those researchers who expected to make things clear. In most of these definitions negati...
by Umar - 2008-07-09
• Before getting prepared yourself for a tarot reading, you have got to know the basics of 78 tarot cards in the deck meaning how to throw upon the tarot card in the knock down manner and what a singl...
by Umar - 2008-07-11
Conceptual frameworkPsychic Vampires are those who suck the energies of others by applying different psychic magical spells based on mysterious process of psychic reading. More often than not, psychic...