tarot card reading
tarot card reading
by Mothproof - 2007-01-25
At the risk of being overly simplistic, one can argue that there are two general ways of seeing things in this life: either you believe them or you don't. Each day, people pledge their life in bel...
by Ade Perillo - 2007-02-02
For the Chinese, this 2007 is the Year of the Pig, which effectively starts on the Sunday of February 18. This is the time when millions of overseas Chinese will go back home to their families to spe...
by Mothproof - 2007-02-07
For the Chinese, this 2007 is the Year of the Pig, which effectively starts on the Sunday of February 18. This is the time when millions of overseas Chinese will go back home to their families to ...
by Mothproof - 2007-05-23
Whether we admit or not, most of us have quaint notions of what tarot cards are. On the surface, they are merely a deck of illustrated cards used in predictions, while the tarot card reader is ...
by Daniel Zoleta - 2008-05-14
Continuing on from my introductory article about the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign, we'll have a closer look at the meaning of the Sun within a birth chart.As mentioned in my introductory article mentione...
by Daniel Zoleta - 2008-07-17
Squeeze a lemon, and it will produce a juice, too harsh to be palatable. But it forms the basis for lemonade, the world's oldest refreshing drink. Like a lemon, life is full of sour things. It is ful...
by Arcel - 2008-07-19
Squeeze a lemon, and it will produce a juice, too harsh to be palatable. But it forms the basis for lemonade, the world's oldest refreshing drink. Like a lemon, life is full of sour things. It is full...
by Barbara McMahon - 2008-08-27
Predicting the future is not an easy thing to accomplish, but tarot cards are a great tool to use to help you. They are increasing in popularity, and are generally used by fortune-tellers for assistan...
by Isabella - 2008-09-10
Interpreting the Tarot cards is an attempt to acquire knowledge of the past, present or future through insight and intuition. Being able to read the patterns from the card images is the key to reveali...
by SpiritNow.com - 2009-04-11
There are many types of tarot decks available and it may confuse the novice. Understanding the different types of tarot decks helps to get a clearer picture when the reader connects to the subconsciou...