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  • surge

    • 1.

      Iraq and the Surge: Who's the Commander-in-Chief?

      by Greg Reeson - 2007-01-14
      In the January 11th edition of The New York Times, published the morning after President Bush announced his new "surge" strategy for Iraq, Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote the following passage: "By stepping...
    • 2.

      Chaos Theory - Bush's Delusions and Iraq's Destiny

      by Stephen John Morgan - 2007-01-20
      1. Numerous "Strange Attractors" and many "Odd repulsers"Science shows us that all dynamic systems which have fallen into a state of "deep chaos" face two essential outcomes - those of disintegration ...
    • 3.

      Chaos Theory: Bush's Delusions And Iraq's Destiny (Part 3) The "Surge Into The Abyss."

      by Stephen John Morgan - 2007-01-20
      5. Meddling with the Mehdi - the "surge into the abyss."Bush and Maliki and others are banking on the idea that they can split, isolate and thus defeat Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army. They calculate tha...
    • 4.

      Iraq, Iran and the President's Troop Surge

      by Greg Reeson - 2007-01-24
      When President Bush unveiled his new strategy for dealing with the ongoing violence in Iraq, he made it a point to reinforce a fact that he and the rest of the world have known for some time now: that...
    • 5.

      Overheard at the White House-Jan 26

      by Marco Miranda - 2007-01-31
      The State of the Union speech by President Bush did not disclose any new developments or ideas. In spite of the opposition expressed by the majority of the people, by Congress and by the military esta...
    • 6.

      The Battle of Baghdad : Perspectives for the Surge

      by Stephen Morgan - 2007-02-11
      "Best policy in war - thwart the enemy's strategy, second best - disrupt his alliances through diplomacy, third best - attack his army in the field, worst strategy - attack walled cities." -"The A...
    • 7.

      The Battle of Baghdad: Perspectives for the Surge

      by Stephen John Morgan - 2007-02-13
      "Best policy in war - thwart the enemy's strategy, second best - disrupt his alliances through diplomacy, third best - attack his army in the field, worst strategy - attack walled cities." -"The Art ...
    • 8.

      Bush Outlines Domestic, Foreign Policy in State of the Union Address

      by Joshua Smith - 2007-02-15
      Speaking to a joint session of Congress during his annual State of the Union Address, President Bush outlined his 2007 domestic agenda, called on Congress to support his new Iraq strategy, and laid ou...
    • 9.

      The Sisyphean Surge

      by Stephen Morgan - 2007-02-21
      "A hundred thousand men were led. By one calf near three centuries dead…For thus such reverence is lent to well-established precedent…For men are prone to go it blind among the calf-paths of the m...
    • 10.

      Vietnam Feb foreign visitor arrivals surge

      by Kurt Tran - 2007-03-02
      Of the estimated 380,000 visitors, 219,388 were tourists, up 11.4 percent from a year ago, the Government Statistical Office said.Other visitors included an estimated 51,060 business visitors, up ...