sun protection
sun protection
by John Grimes - 2006-12-19
Sunlight damages your skin, even if you have dark skin or a dark tan. If you are going to be out in the sun, you need to protect yourself with sun block that counters the damaging rays of the sun.What...
by Leaftech - 2007-03-09
It is summer time and what better way to spend your time then out in the sun. But what people do not know is that to totally enjoy all that summer has to offer we first must cover up from the harmful ...
by Leaftech - 2007-05-08
How does one test the latest UV blocking fabrics emerging on the market?Curiously, a number of light and laser testing facilities do not currently use the latest pending standard involving the averagi...
by Colleen Moriarty - 2007-06-13
With all we know now about the damage that the sun can cause, you may feel as though you need to hide under an umbrella all summer. And no wonder: Exposure to the sun's UVA radiation promotes irregula...
by Theresa De Jesus - 2007-07-06
Now that summer is here many people are spending more time outdoors enjoying the warmth of the sun. Studies have shown that sunlight is actually needed to prevent certain cancers (lung, colon, breast ...
by Patrick Hamouy - 2007-07-23
I need my dose of sunshine every year as it is a good supply of vitamin D necessary for the absorption of calcium in the body. The sun is a natural element that is very much part of our life.I cringe ...
by Patrick Hamouy - 2007-07-25
I always look forward to the summer time to receive my dose of sunshine. With the good weather comes the sunny days with its supply of Vitamin D that is crucial for the absorption of Calcium in ...
by Kacy Carr - 2007-08-28
For some women the sheer thought of wrinkles appearing on the face can have a devastating impact on how that particular woman copes with one of natures natural happenings as we age. Not wanting ...
by Janet Martin - 2008-05-14
Summer is the perfect season to go outdoors and have fun with the kids, family, friends and even pets. It is the time when you go to beaches, have picnics and enjoy frolicking under the sun. Although ...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-07
It's the summer time so that it means lots of beach or pool time for many and unfortunately lots of sun burns as well. Most of us know about the negative affects of those harsh rays, but do we real...