substance abuse
substance abuse
by Lori Heatherington - 2006-12-01
From the time I enrolled my daughter in elementary school it seemed that the world was out to ruin her innocence. Her know-it-all six year old friends with older brothers and sisters shared the world'...
by Jean Foye - 2006-12-04
Nothing is more destructive to a teen and/or their family than the use of drugs. Consequently, the earlier the intervention can be done, the better. The problem is that in most cases teens are using...
by Jonathan Huttner - 2006-12-23
Millions of Americans today receive health care for mental or substance-use problems and illnesses. These conditions are the leading cause of combined disability and death of women and the second high...
by Stephanie Loebs - 2007-01-22
Weed, pot, Mary Jane, herb, dope, grass. Marijuana goes by many names, but no matter what you call it, it remains the number one illegal recreational drug in the United States. Though some states have...
by Stephanie Loebs - 2007-01-26
People have referred to it as "acid," and talk of "tripping out" while taking it. It was a major influence on culture and popular music in the sixties and seventies. Though its usage is not as prevale...
by Denny Soinski - 2007-01-30
Preventing and Dealing with ProblemsWhile preventing a problem before it happens is usually "better" than facing the problem, typically it also involves a different level of complexity. Let me exp...
by Denny Soinski - 2007-01-31
The Doctor Who Had EverythingWhile scanning the information on the Titusonenine blog, I recently read a post entitled "A Bout With Addiction, for the Doctor Who Has Everything" that captured my intere...
by Denny Soinski - 2007-01-31
Internet-Related AddictionsIn my travels through cyberspace, I have noticed an increasing number of websites and blogs discussing various forms of Internet-related addictive behavior. In fact, I have...
by Denny Soinski - 2007-01-31
Preventing and Dealing with ProblemsWhile preventing a problem before it happens is usually "better" than facing the problem, typically it also involves a different level of complexity. Let me explai...
by Jimmy Wilson - 2007-03-18
Drug Rehab for most people, selecting the right alcohol or drug rehab program may be more intimidating than you'd think. Select the most appropriate drug rehab program to increase the chances of posit...