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    • 1.

      Using Persuasion and Influence to Lead

      by Michael Lee - 2006-12-21
      There is a direct link between persuasion and influence, yet they are not exactly the same thing. Persuasion happens with a person purposely or subliminally trying to get somebody else to agree with h...
    • 2.

      How To Use Brain Entrainment For Business Success

      by Ian McConnell - 2006-12-29
      It has always amazed me, how some days I struggle to solve complex problems, but if I sleep on it, and come back to it the next day, I solve it in 10 seconds flat!How often has this happened to you?It...
    • 3.

      Subliminal Persuasion Techniques

      by Michael Lee - 2007-01-15
      Subliminal persuasion is the way of getting another party to agree with you without outwardly doing so and without the other person noticing that you were trying to persuade him or her. A lot of peopl...
    • 4.

      Subliminal Messages For Improvement: Hearing the Silent

      by Steven Hanna - 2007-01-18
      How do Subliminal Messages work? It relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious part of the brain to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on...
    • 5.

      Strengthening Your Persuasion Strategy Through Repetition

      by Michael Lee - 2007-02-10
      Once is enough for the wise man, they say. But in the world of sales and trade, there is no such thing as an arrangement being confirmed just once. In order for you to finally close that deal, you ...
    • 6.

      The Power of the Subconscious Mind

      by Anthony Hosking - 2007-04-14
      For many years now it has been widely accepted that we all have two states of mind, the conscious and the sub-conscious. While these two states of mind are similar, in real life they are worlds apart....
    • 7.

      Weight Loss Quickly & Easily

      by Karen Vines - 2007-04-23
      How can you lose weight quickly and easily? Now, before I say this one word, just remember one thing. I have used this method and it really works! OK, here's the word...Hypnosis. I know what you're th...
    • 8.

      Subliminal Tape Secrets: Change your Thoughts and Change Your Life By Listening to a Subliminal Tape

      by Dennis Stokes - 2007-06-15
      Have you ever wondered how you can make dramatic powerful changes in your life? Would you like to be happier? Overcome addictions? Create more wealth?These things can happen by listening to your own s...
    • 9.

      How To Choose The Right Brainwave Entrainment Product For You

      by Susan Denham - 2007-07-19
      What is Brainwave Entrainment? Well, it's the process of using tones, beats, or soundwave patterns to induce certain states of mind. Eg, focus, creativity, relax, reduce stress, sleep, wake up, etc. S...
    • 10.

      Subliminal Programming In Self Development

      by Susan Denham - 2007-07-19
      The remote control for your television opposes common advertisements. We often push mute to silence the commercials or programs. Some of us will record programs and zap the commercials by using the fa...