by Dr Leo Kady - 2006-11-27
Health and prayer ... does it lead to success? They do not necessarily go hand in hand, but it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation.The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vicent Peale...
by Morgan D. James - 2006-12-11
You've always wanted to travel. Why wait until after you are done school to travel? Get your entire degree abroad and you will be able to travel while you are in school!Is Study Abroad for Me?Before y...
by Sharon White - 2006-12-13
It's been often said that school is for students. However, a recent survey reveals that many students dislike or even hate school. What are the reasons for this aversion? Are students just lazy, undis...
by Rivky Shimon - 2006-12-23
"When the creative spirit stirs, it animates a style of being: a lifetime filled with the desire to innovate, to explore new ways of doing things, to bring dreams of reality." ~ Daniel GolemanIt is di...
by RivkyShimon - 2006-12-27
There are finally some studies that are starting to prove what I have been saying all along. Art classes in schools help students improve across the curriculum. In The New York Times, a study was fi...
by Collin Nicholes - 2007-01-03
There are many different options out there for students who seek a shortcut in their studies. In order to make the most out of Internet study guide services, there are several important things to keep...
by Leonard Buchholz - 2007-01-04
I have breakfast once a week with a group of individuals with various backgrounds and professions. Since all of them work in or have customer relations, we sometimes get on the subject of the "worst c...
by Cinoy Ravindran - 2007-01-07
The cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge is learning and reading carefully with intent to remember is studying. Everyone has there own methods and styles for learning. But how many of you...
by Robert P. Tracy - 2007-01-12
Chicago, Illinois; January 12, 2007. In studies conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center, researchers have found that a specific, trace mineral, known as niacin-bound chromium (NBC)...
by Leonard Buchholz - 2007-01-17
Yesterday I had the distinct fun and exciting privilege of having a prescription filled. If you have not had this experience I highly recommend it, as it is right up there with watching paint dry and ...