stretch marks
stretch marks
by Tim Gorman - 2006-12-06
When people talk about tummy tuck surgery, you could almost be forgiven for thinking it's some sort of miracle operation that will change you overnight with no obvious after effects. In fact, nothing...
by Asanka Samaranayake - 2006-12-25
Microdermabrasion has revolutionised they in which stretch marks are managed. This procedure has been shown to decrease the appearance of those unwanted marks. Ladies and gentlemen, please continue re...
by William Wilson - 2007-02-07
Most women are keenly aware of the ugly, discolored scarring known as stretch marks. As a matter of fact, there is an entire beauty industry centered around the removal of these unsightly skin defect...
by Candy Willims - 2007-03-09
Stretch marks are scars that are produced on the skin mostly due to pregnancy and childbirth. These are present as lighter lines of the skin, with a whitish hue. Though stretch marks are usually assoc...
by Alyssa Merrison - 2007-03-17
Frequently when people hear the term 'stretch marks' they think of the lines and blotches that are left on the bellies of women who are pregnant or have given birth. The extreme expansion that the ski...
by William Wilson - 2007-04-02
As a woman, you have probably been "blessed" with a stretch mark or two. Whether it happened during puberty, as physiological growth spurts stretched your skin beyond its tolerance, or during a previo...
by Geraldine Prickett - 2007-04-18
Having a baby was probably one of the most unique experiences of your life. However, now that your bundle of joy is here and if you are anything like I was after giving birth, all you want to know ...
by Geraldine Prickett - 2007-04-18
Do you passionately want to eliminate your stretch marks? Well, if you follow the steps outlined in this article, you can. Regardless, of whether your stretch marks are the results of losing an exc...
by Rick Coelho - 2007-05-18
If you are seriously looking for information about how to get rid of stretch marks once and for all then continue reading. If not, then PLEASE STOP READING THIS and move on to something else. This a...
by Rick Coelho - 2007-05-19
You've come to the right place for the sure fire solution on how to get rid of stretch marks once and for all. This article are for those who only are serious enough to take the following information ...