stretch mark treatment
stretch mark treatment
by William Wilson - 2007-04-12
As you have probably read, a stretch mark treatment comes in a variety of forms. They range from skin creams to skin massage to the most radical form - surgery. Each of these treatments has its pros a...
by Apurva - 2007-07-05
Do lotions and creams for stretch mark treatment actually useful? Useful yes but can never completely remove those ugly scars. Remember that stretch marks appear due to a tear in the inner layer...
by Judy Wellsworth - 2007-08-03
The occurrence of stretch marks is not totally avoidable. Whether you are in puberty and undergoing sudden growth spurts, into sports, or expecting a baby, you are likely going to notice the appearanc...
by Maia Pells - 2007-08-31
Selecting an effective stretch mark solution can take a lot of time and even then, it doesn't guarantee us 100% effectiveness. This is because skins vary and differ from person to person. The stretch ...
by Rashe Dan - 2008-07-04
Aside from eating healthy foods and drinking a lot of water everyday, using a pregnancy stretch mark cream to prevent stretch marks from developing is an effective preventive tool as well. Although t...
by Rashe Dan - 2008-07-04
The best time to start using a stretch mark removal cream is during the early stages of pregnancy. However, it is not too late to start using the cream and get great results even after already develo...
by Rashel Dan - 2008-07-18
Stretch mark is a difficult condition but it can be prevented. The best way to prevent it is by using a stretch mark lotion before rapidly gaining weight or pregnancy. A higher priced treatment lotio...
by Rashel Dan - 2008-07-17
Can stretch mark go away? This question is often asked by people suffering from stretch marks. If you are one of them, then go no further because today is your lucky day.How does stretch mark develop...
by Rashel Dan - 2008-07-17
Stretch mark creams are now everywhere in the market today. Unfortunately, although they tell you that they are a cure for stretch marks, you will find out after spending time and money on them that ...
by Maia Pells - 2008-07-24
Stretch marks are actually a normal part of life. Many of us who have undergone puberty have our first experience with stretch marks during this stage. In case you were wondering why this usually hap...