strep throat in adults
strep throat in adults
by Groshan Fabiola - 2006-12-29
The tissue inside the throat is very vulnerable to foreign bacteria and microorganisms and it can be infected very easily because the air we breathe passes through the throat so if we breathe any viru...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-01-20
Sometimes it is inevitable to have moments when you think you cannot resist anymore. The temptation of eating is very big and you feel weaker by the moment. Do not dispare and most of all, don' t take...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-01-20
If you ever feel pain in your throat and are not sure what it is, the best thing to do is pay a visit to the doctor. And don' t be scared of what may happen at the doctors. For better understanding, I...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-01-20
Sometimes it is inevitable to have moments when you think you cannot resist anymore. The temptation of eating is very big and you feel weaker by the moment. Do not dispare and most of all, don' t take...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-01-24
A sore throat usually last around a week in cases of flu, a cold or different allergies that a person is aware of. These kinds of diseases can be very easily treated and are not very dangerous. But if...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-01-25
Everybody has had maybe just once in his/ her live a sore throat. This is possibly one of the most common things a person visits a doctor. As we grow older, this problem tends not to affect us anym...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-01-27
Everybody has had, just once in his life, a sore throat. Most of us know what this means and what causes it. For the once who do not, we have here an explanation. To have a sore throat means to ha...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-01-27
Many of us know what a strep throat is and many do not. Some of them even know how to treat such a condition, some don' t. What causes it is a question still unanswered form plenty, but for others ...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-08
Infections caused by the bacteria streptococcus are represented especially by irritation and inflammation of the back throat and tonsils. The symptoms occur sudden and are represented by fever and sev...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-14
A sore throat occurs in most persons one or more times a year caused by different mechanisms and germs. The most common cause is viruses leading to great throat pain and fever; these infections cannot...