by Anna V White - 2007-01-19
So, you think you'd like to make your own cabochons? Well, I'm going to tell you what's involved in doing that! This doesn't include faceting gems, that's a completely different subject!One of the fir...
by Sam Chandler - 2007-01-22
On the porch of this beautiful ladies home I looked into her face and the beauty I saw brought a tear to my eye. She kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my hand one last time. To tell you the truth - ...
by Julie Shields - 2007-01-23
Three stone engagement rings have come into vogue in recent years. Men love that they get a lotta bling for their money and women love the sentiment behind the three stones.Three stone engagement ...
by Tracey Wilson - 2007-01-26
Crystals are the blossoms of the mineralogical portion of the earth; the recognition of the beauty and loving energies of these forms can greatly enhance one's personal development. They are the myria...
by A.Caxton - 2007-01-28
When it comes to landscaping your garden, stones do often make a great addition and they come in a variety of different sizes and colors to suit every gardeners needs. You can make pretty features, us...
by Sharon K. Couto, Audrey Couto McClelland and Jane Couto Porricelli - 2007-01-29
When considering the magnificent effects that gems and stones lend to fertility, it is very interesting to note that the use of gems and stones for their magical properties has been in practice fo...
by Saad Anwar - 2007-02-24
What are Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are actually a painful disease which is due to a solid mass in the kidney or urinary system, caused by the solidification of a dissolved substance in the urin...
by Arsene Bergkamp - 2007-03-12
Diamond rings are both standardized and unusual in and to themselves. If you are looking for unusual diamond rings, here are some things to consider when shopping. If you have decided it is time to...
by Amber Stone - 2007-04-26
Rocks, stones and crystals, have their own electromagnetic frequency. This applies to precious, semi-precious and regular stones. They each contain a specific energy; express oneself by their colou...
by Joe Barton - 2007-07-18
If you know the pain that comes with a kidney stone, then you know pain worse than childbirth! Unfortunately, about 1 in every 20 people develop kidney stones sometime in their lifetime. And mor...