stomach cancer
stomach cancer
by Jon Stout - 2006-12-24
By now most of us have heard that green tea has been shown to be an effective cancer preventer. There are numerous studies that have shown green tea's anti-oxidants to have significant power in protec...
by Jon Stout - 2007-02-10
Stomach Cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western World. In fact, the American Cancer Society estimates that 22,228 Americans will be diagnosed with stomach cancer...
by George McKenzie - 2007-02-13
When human beings began migrating from Africa some sixty thousand years ago, they brought the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers with them. A team of scientists researching human migration ...
by George McKenzie - 2007-02-13
When human beings began migrating from Africa some sixty thousand years ago, they brought the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers with them.A team of scientists researching human migration patterns ha...
by George McKenzie - 2007-02-15
It was not a sinister political conspiracy that killed Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most powerful men of the 19th century. It was stomach cancer, the same disease that now causes about eleven thous...
by Marcus Martinez - 2007-03-17
Did you know that we all have cancerous cells in our body? The only difference between a cancer patient and us is that their cancer cells have grown malignant and part and parcel of that happening is ...
by Rudy Silva - 2007-06-08
Your stomach always knows what it has to do to keep you healthy and free of disease. It does this by changing conditions in your stomach to accommodate how you eat, what you eat and when you eat it. D...
by Dick Aronson - 2008-06-20
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women affecting one in eight women during their lives. It may develop at any time but the risk of developing it increases as women get older. It is far mor...
by Dick Aronson - 2008-06-20
INTRODUCTIONLung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, it might have been prevented, 87% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Lung cancer has long been the most comm...
by Richard - 2008-07-23
In the 21st century there have been great advances in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors, but even with this ongoing research it is calculated that one out of three people will still eve...