stage fright
stage fright
by Bill Kernodle - 2006-12-11
You are not alone if you suffer from what we have come to know as stage fright. I do not believe I can recall any we want to be good, we want to be accepted. That accomplished musician saying they are...
by Bill Kernodle - 2006-12-15
You are not alone if you suffer from what we have come to know as stage fright. I do not believe I can recall any accomplished musician saying they are not nervous at all before a performance. Many ar...
by John Childers - 2006-12-18
Students of public speaking continually ask, "How can I overcome self-consciousness and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience?"Did you ever notice in looking from a train window that some h...
by Mark Thompson - 2007-03-27
I know some speakers who brag about still being nervous even after doing the same speech for ten years. Please. I don't need that kind of pressure. Part of the problem is that we fail to recognize ...
by MJ Ferruzza - 2007-04-26
Stage fright is just a nervous or anxious disorder based on anxiety. What it all comes down to is this...your body is telling you that you may fail so you get nervous. The problem is that it is your m...
by Elisha - 2007-05-22
Most performers have had stage fright at one time or another. Most of the time people can't help but be a little nervous, and that's fine! The trick is to control it.Let me paint the picture: Yo...
by Kevin Sinclair - 2007-07-05
The lights go dim and there is a hush in the room. You hear your name, and your hearts does that familiar big thump. Then you feel it, your heart as it drops down into the depth of your stomach. You t...
by Faye B. Roberts - 2007-07-06
A recent Gallup poll found that 40% of adults have a fear of public speaking. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once stated that at a funeral, most people would rather be inside the casket than giving the eulog...
by Faye B. Roberts - 2007-07-10
Preparation for public speaking is more than fact-finding or effective writing and then repeating the words by rote to your audience. Learning the more subtle skills like voice control and modulation,...
by George McKenzie - 2007-08-02
We all know what stage fright is, and I don't know of anyone who has never gotten it sometime in their life. I our worked in radio and TV for more than 30 years, and I can tell you this about st...