social security claim

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  • social security claim

    • 1.

      Business Law Making Appeals After the Denial of Social Security Claim

      by RAINIER POLICARPIO - 2007-05-24
      Disability, in the context of social security, is identified as a medical condition which hinders a person from performing a substantial gainful activity prevents him from obtaining sufficient inc...
    • 2.

      How Cyber Can You Get

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-06-27
      Driving towards your place of work, sometimes you come to realize will there ever come a time that you need no longer to look at the road you are driving, neither is there a need for you to hold the w...
    • 3.

      Care In The Form Of Medicine

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-06-27
      History standing as a witness shows that man has one of the most potent, if not the most potent immune system. So potent in fact, that it has its inherent means to adapt to a changing environment. Man...
    • 4.

      Patience As They Say Is A Virtue

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-06-28
      It is redundant indeed, clichéic even, but what more can an individual plagued with a disability have but to have faith with the only hope that it has left. As the ordinary parlance goes, beggars cann...
    • 5.

      A Gender Sensitive Social Security Program

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-06-29
      Our laws have always been couched in the neutral sense that is, it is applicable to all regardless of your status in life, your age, your race, and even your gender. It is so neutral in fact that no o...
    • 6.

      Disability Insurance: Being Adequately Protected Despite Of Disability

      by Lala C. Ballatan - 2007-07-03
      It is not a good thing to become sick and unable to report for work for an extended period. Being sick and absent for a few days is bad enough, but being forced in bed for an indeterminate period beca...
    • 7.

      Insecurity In The Social Security

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-07-12
      Social Security laws have been nothing but complex. So complicated in fact that even legal practitioners get confused on how to interpret, apply, or construe a particular provision of a Social Securit...
    • 8.

      The Will For The Survivor

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-07-12
      The untimely and unexpected demise of an individual has so many repercussions that would affect not only the property regime of the deceased but also his successors-in-interest as well. So drastic suc...
    • 9.

      Pace Of Social Security

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-07-13
      If you were asked to point out the most complex laws we have in our current society, then you would have an easy answer to give, the Social Security Laws. If complexity has its way of having a personi...
    • 10.

      When Disability Is The Lesser Evil

      by Atty. Gabriel Cosh - 2007-07-13
      You would not want it to happen to you, you would not even want to think of the possibility of being a subject thereof. However, if you were in the saddest situation of being placed in a scenario to c...