by Lola Adewoyin - 2006-12-05
So you have finally decided to take a tour to China; like every other new tourist in a foreign land, you begin to wonder what to expect in a country like China. Traveling to China is an adventurous ex...
by Shanghai Limousine - 2007-02-22
Renting a Car in ChinaShanghai Car Rental OverviewRising incomes have seen levels of car ownership in China increase dramatically during recent years. As a result, traffic in Shanghai can be dense,...
by John Whitefoot - 2007-03-14
It's been a little over a week since the world-wide markets went through a correction of sorts. On February 27, North American penny stock investors awoke to discover that the Shanghai Stock Exchan...
by Fred Tittle - 2007-03-26
Compared to the mess that was Shanghai, Beijing was a snap getting in and out of while not nearly as pretty and modern as some of the other main airports in China like the modern newer airports in Xia...
by Lola Adewoyin - 2007-04-04
The Great Wall of China is not just an ordinary travel icon; besides the role it plays in China's tourism, it has led to the development of China's long history and culture. People are curious to u...
by Brian White - 2007-04-21
If you're a tourist or even just look like one, you may find your stroll through the market a little less comfortable than you'd hoped. It may be that you'll take on an unrequested new "friend" who ju...
by Lola Adewoyin - 2007-04-26
China boasts of twenty four cultural and five natural relics inscribed on the World Heritage List. Apart from this record, there are still fifty eight relics on the tentative list of the UNESCO Wor...
by Paul Everton - 2007-04-27
China is compiled of a vast variety of extremely different landscapes, using mostly plateaus and mountains in the west, & lower lands on the east. As a effect, principal rivers flow From west to east,...
by Lola Adewoyin - 2007-05-10
People planning to travel to China are always worried about the cultural differences they may experience on their china touring holidays.Before you finalize your travel plans for China, you need...
by Lola Adewoyin - 2007-05-10
The Great Wall is the most significant symbol of China which has become one of the widely known artificial constructions in the world today. This structure has contributed to the development of ...