by PAULA ISHTAR - 2007-03-26
The body,a palace of ecstacy We can free ourselves from the limitations of the body by using the body to let go of the soul. We are then in a position to experience freedom ...
by H G. Charing - 2007-04-16
Soul Retrieval - Shamanism and Healing.The recapitulation of life force is the body of work, which restores or recapitulates lost life force. Soul Retrieval is one of the most well-known and effective...
by Ron Masa, Ph.D. - 2007-04-21
After I completed a double Ph.D. in social science at the University of Michigan (in 1981), a much broader form of education began. Having disabled my body while training my mind, I went to see a high...
by H G. Charing - 2007-04-27
Shamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and divination is one of the paths to gain direct knowledge. Direct knowledge can be defined as that which is experienced fir...
by H G. Charing - 2007-05-09
The hallucinogenic San Pedro cactus has been used since ancient times, and in Peru the tradition has been unbroken for over 3,000 years. The earliest depiction of the cactus is a carving showing a myt...
by H G Charing - 2007-05-09
The hallucinogenic San Pedro cactus has been used since ancient times, and in Peru the tradition has been unbroken for over 3,000 years. The earliest depiction of the cactus is a carving showing...
by H G Charing - 2007-05-16
Over the years there has been much controversy about the so-called miracle healers of the Philippines. Their ability to open peoples bodies and perform operations without the use of any surgical...
by H G Charing - 2007-05-16
The first and possibly the most important key in developing your relationship with the Plant Spirit (and what really helps to ‘open the door' ie. makes the connection work), is a benign attitu...
by Ross Heaven - 2007-05-19
Though our lands are no longer forested as they were, we try to recreate a sense of their beauty and tranquillity in our gardens, parks, and the green spaces in our cities, giving us at least a taste ...
by Ross Heaven - 2007-05-19
In the spiritual traditions of the Amazon in Peru, this magical perfume is called pusanga. It is a made from flowers and plants which have the power to attract to the people who wear it the things the...