by Jan Engels Smith - 2007-05-29
The following is an exercise, or process, you can use to explore the depths of your being. It is an exercise to discover your belief systems-what you believe to be true about yourself, about God, abou...
by Jan Engels Smith - 2007-05-30
People who have power-spiritual power-are people who have learned how to work with energy. Working with energy requires an understanding of both scientific laws and universal laws. Scientific laws cha...
by H G Charing - 2007-05-30
The ‘doctrine of signatures' is at the heart of homeopathy, folk medicine, and plant shamanism. The doctrine was revealed by the great alchemist and physician Paracelus who lived in the 16th C...
by H G Charing - 2007-06-01
I discovered that Ayahuasca is a medicine, so unlike the Western understanding, a medicine which works on every level, on the physical and non-physical beings, our consciousness, our emotions, a...
by H G Charing - 2007-06-01
We humans have a special relationship and dependence on plants. Since our beginnings, they have been the source both directly and indirectly of our food, our shelter, our medicines, our fuel, ou...
by H G Charing - 2007-05-30
In the shamanic worldview, power and maintaining health go hand in hand, if the body is power-full, there is no room for illness or disease. The soul can be seen as the essence or vital nature o...
by H G Charing - 2007-06-05
Writing from my own personal perspective from my years of work and research in the Amazon Rainforest with the shamans and curanderos who drink the visionary plant brew called Ayahuasca. I use t...
by H G Charing - 2007-06-06
The haunting, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded by the Eagle's Wing Centre for Contemporary Shamanism at ceremonies in the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon rainforest.Although the ch...
by Howard G Charing - 2007-06-12
Shamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and divination is one of the paths to gain direct knowledge. Direct knowledge can be defined as that which is experienced fir...
by Howard G Charing - 2007-06-16
Ayahuasca RetreatWe are pleased to present a dedicated programme in the Amazon rainforest, which is focussed on an inner and deep self-exploration and encounter with the power of the rainforest. This ...