by Michele F Richardson - 2008-01-03
I'm not usually an Oprah's Favorite Things viewer, but the previews of this year's program intrigued me enough to get me to watch. In case you weren't paying any attention, check with your neighbors,...
by ROGER SMITH - 2008-05-01
The biggest hurdle facing most newbies in MLM has nothing to do with selling your prmary companies products. The chief hurdle a newbie in the industry usually faces involves building a successful ...
by Brian Garvin - 2008-09-26
Shaklee has been around forever, I remember ordering from them 30 years ago, well, maybe that is because they have been in business since 1956. And no, I have not been around that long. For a long ...
by Carol Belanger - 2008-10-03
Approximately 10 years ago antibacterial cleaners were introduced into our homes as the cleaning agent of choice. Although antibacterial cleaning agents are not really a new idea, they have been used...
by Eric Taylor - 2008-10-28
My name is Eric Taylor, and ever since I turned 18, I have been in the direct sales and network marketing industry. To make a long and story short, when I first got started I was terrible so I decide...
by Eric Taylor - 2008-10-28
So you're thinking about joining an MLM business (or maybe you just joined) what?! DO NOT Expect to Make Massive Income Your First Week in the Business! A lot of times people get started ...
by Eric Taylor - 2008-10-28
Searching for an MLM opportunity is often a difficult task. But, there are a few things that you can and should consider during your search. Every network marketing company has a product to sell (a...
by Simon Barrett - 2008-11-06
Up until a couple of years ago I was pretty green about being green. Green was just a color, one that you wear on Saint Patrick's Day! The change for me came as a result of being asked to do some TV ...
by Tony Bernard - 2008-11-17
Becoming a director in Shaklee can be a difficult thing to do. You try to do the things your company and upline tell you to do, but you aren't seeing any results. So, what I'm going to do is share w...
by Tony Bernard - 2008-11-17
Becoming a 6-figure distributor in your Shaklee business can be difficult. It's tough trying to grow a business doing the things your upline tells you to do. Especially when it doesn't work. So, wha...