by David Ben-Ariel - 2007-01-20
Are the Europeans about to restore the power and influence of their respective Royals? In Rome's mind, only an IMPERIAL RESTORATION can save mankind! That explains why the present pontiff has proclaim...
by Glenn Kipps - 2007-01-29
Always wanted to go to Paris, France? Can't afford it? Why not try Paris, Kentucky? Maybe it doesn't have the Eiffel Tower or the famous fashion district, but it is a proud little city with a lot t...
by Paola Lo Russo - 2007-02-05
1) Book a flight. Or a train. Or a ferry. Or a bus (a ferry? A bus? Why would you do that?!). Well book whatever you prefer to make you get there, but do it in advance. Especially if you want to trave...
by Paola Lo Russo - 2007-02-09
Choosing an accommodation when you go abroad is much more than just choosing a place to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. Choosing the accommodation for your vacations or your business travel...
by Paola Lo Russo - 2007-02-15
Just like many other invasions in Italian history, also the bed and breakfast one came from the north. The tourism workers was not used at all to lodge its guests in something different from an h...
by Paola Lo Russo - 2007-02-15
Just like many other invasions in Italian history, also the bed and breakfast one came from the north. The tourism workers was not used at all to lodge its guests in something different from an ho...
by Terry Kubiak - 2007-02-23
The Roman Empire, at its height, included about a fourth of Europe, much of the Middle East, and the entire northern coastal area of Africa. Its millions of people spoke many languages and worshipped ...
by H. Tim Sevets - 2007-02-24
The other day at a staff meeting, one of my co-workers was talking about a project that had gone badly off the rails. "Per angusta ad augusta," I said as he concluded his tale of woe. Everyone looked ...
by Paul Griffitts - 2007-03-05
"It vexes me that we must read and learn such shameless, gross, crazy lies in the canon law, and must even hold them for Christian doctrine, when they are devilish lies."This quote by Martin Luther...
by Terry Kubiak - 2007-03-28
In the 2nd millennium BC, the Romans emerged from a small settlement near Rome to begin a course of expansion that was to make them the dominant power in the Mediterranean. By the 1st Century AD, Rom...