risk management
risk management
by Thomas Sharon - 2006-12-29
The Risk Management Priority - Protecting Financial IntegrityThe last time I sat through a hospital orientation program, a man came into the classroom and gave a one-hour lecture on his role as a risk...
by Beerbong - 2007-01-20
From viewpoint of information security awareness, each oraganization need their own information security strategy. And now, it is not only the latest tools or technology. Organization need to under...
by Kent Douglas - 2007-03-06
The Forex market is quickly becoming one of the most popular investment vehicles because of its huge volume and liquidity. However, it is also one of the most volatile investment vehicles because of ...
by Kent Douglas - 2007-03-08
The Forex market has understandably become one of the most attractive and popular financial markets in the world. Operating around the clock via a decentralized network of central banks, investment i...
by Kent Douglas - 2007-03-09
The Forex market has understandably become one of the most attractive and popular financial markets in the world. Operating around the clock via a decentralized network of central banks, investment in...
by JAMES DELROJO - 2007-03-09
The Pyramids of Egypt have stood for around 5,000 years. The reason why they have lasted so long is the basic structure of each layer being built on the strong foundation of a broader, solid layer ...
by Ashish M - 2007-03-10
What is the nature of threat?Recent survey by KPMG says that there is a digression in the Industry nature which is facing security threats .Some four years back it was the IT outsourcing industry and ...
by Angelique Van Engelen - 2007-03-11
Is it possible to divine the future? And if so, how do people go about it who do this for a living? Calculations involving probability and chance are more or less becoming standard part of almost any ...
by Morgan Q Moran - 2007-03-28
What is the major concern for an employer? Taking very good care of their employees is a must. Many have perceived that as an expensive task to overcome, as it means providing the employee with vaca...
by John Mehrmann - 2007-06-10
IDC predicts that the Information Protection and Control (IPC) Solutions market will surpass $3 Billion in 2011. This will be a major area of investment over the next five years, representing a ...