by Patricia Nordman - 2007-01-20
*Consequences are unpitying. Our deeds carry their terrible consequences, quite apart from any fluctuations, that went before--consequences that are hardly ever confined to ourselves. George Eliot.*Ou...
by Sharon White - 2007-01-24
Aside from the common absolutes of this world, such as death, taxes, or even love, change remains the most feared.In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, the title character is a man ha...
by Vivian Gordon - 2007-01-31
Yesterday I felt led to write about entering into God's rest and who exactly gets to do that. Today, I have to lean upon, rely on and trust in the Lord even more because the bad news that my husband a...
by Eric Hartwell - 2007-02-05
When I moved from working on live aircraft to working with the training of new recruits to become aircraft engineers, to say I was disappointed is an understatement.After completing my instructor's co...
by Raveendran Nambyar - 2007-02-14
A crime is a crime because the law defines it as such. Crime is a deviant behaviour which violates prevailing social norms. We ought to behave in accordance with the social, psychological, economic an...
by Dorothy K Daigle - 2007-03-04
If it please you, Grandfather, speak to us about how we can keep our souls pure.In these dark times, there is much danger around each one of us--physical, emotional, and spiritual. So many are being ...
by Christopher Pearsall - 2007-03-09
As a Rhode Island lawyer I focus my practice on divorce and family law and I can tell you that I see this kind of thing all the time though I refuse to partake in it. Some women who feel scorned howe...
by Paige Lovitt - 2007-03-15
The M.O.O.D. Lounge by Zondra Hughes Lulu (2007) ISBN 9780979166600In "The M.O.O.D. Lounge" men finally have learned to sexually satisfy women. In doing so, they manage to set back the women's moveme...
by Linda Dipman - 2007-04-08
A beautiful woman can inspire a person to do just about anything. But it is their heart that reveals the character of the person. Beware she can capture you through lies of love. She can be an inst...
by Linda Dipman - 2007-04-12
Finding the right person to share your life with is like searching the ocean floor until you find a clam that shelters a priceless pearl. It is so prefect that you take it to a jeweler and you place ...