by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-21
Container Exchanger is an online marketplace that offers manufacturing and distribution businesses an outlet for procuring or selling used returnable packaging. The product offerings include many sta...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-22
David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, recently reported that, "The per piece packaging costs for used bulk containers and totes can be as low as 5% of the costs for a comparable expendable ...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-23
David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, recently reported that, "Since returnable packaging options reduces or eliminates the need to assemble cardboard boxes, associated labor costs are imme...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-24
David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, recently reported that, "Returnable packaging improves material handling by reducing the number of moves from stackable containers. This type of lean m...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-25
In the current issue of International Food Safety and Quality Network, manufacturing journalist Thomas R. Cutler profiles the "Returnable Packaging Impacts Food Quality & Safety." - Bulk containe...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-28
David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, recently reported that, "Returnable packaging improves packaging quality due to fewer rejects from damaged packaging. The result is increased custome...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-07-31
According to David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, "We have facilitated many hundreds of transactions to date and our client list includes Fortune 500 businesses, Automotive Tier 1 manufact...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-08-04
Returnable packaging reduces waste created by every business. The EarthWorks Group estimates that 30% of landfill waste is created by plastic and paper packaging. The use of cardboard products and ot...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-08-22
Container Exchanger is an online marketplace that offers manufacturing and distribution businesses an outlet for procuring or selling used returnable packaging. The product offerings include many sta...
by Thomas Cutler - 2008-08-26
The per piece packaging costs for used bulk containers and totes can be as low as 5% of the costs for a comparable expendable solution, depending on shipping volumes. Returnable containers provide a ...