resale value
Investing In A House That Will Have Good Resale Value
- 2006-12-22
Well, you are buying a house, congratulations! But before making the purchase, read these helpful tips first.Home and shelter is the number one priority for everyone. Everyone must have a roof over th... -
Koi Pond or Pondless Waterfall: Where Do I Begin?
- 2007-01-20
1.) Have you thought about A Water Feature?-- Is it true that a water feature will add equity to my home? What about a swimming pool? Doesn't a pond require a lot of upkeep? What is the average cost? ... -
Home Improvement, Quick DIY Home Improvements to Boost Your Home's Resale Value
- 2008-08-22
There are certain projects that you can attack yourself, that'll stand to improve the value of your home and won't cost you an arm and a leg. Start with a budget that you can afford and then take ... -
Home Improvement, How Personal Touches can Affect the Value of Your Home
- 2008-09-06
Any major renovation project is as much of an emotional investment as it is a financial investment. It is just natural to want to put your own personal touch on the project, but adding too much ... -
How a Home's Features Can Affect It's Resale Value
- 2008-10-24
Whether it's a first home or the next home, most home buyers anticipate moving to a different house eventually. Because of this reality, a property's resale value should be an important aspect in the... -
How A Home's Features Can Affect It's Resale Value
- 2008-10-31
Whether it's a first home or the next home, most home buyers anticipate moving to a different house eventually. Because of this reality, a property's resale value should be an important aspect in the ... -
How Location Can Affect A Home's Resale Value
- 2008-10-31
There are many factors which should be considered when purchasing a home, especially if it's a first home. One of those considerations should be the resale value. Many home-buyers anticipate moving on...
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