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  • remodel

    • 1.

      Add Value To Your Luxury Home With A Remodeled Kitchen

      by Danielle Stone - 2006-12-02
      Some of the most luxurious homes still have room for improvement and owners who can afford the most in-style upgrades. One of the top candidates for a remodel has always been the kitchen. Not only do ...
    • 2.

      How To Buy A House For Pennies On The Dollar!

      by Glen Stevens - 2006-12-03
      Real estate investing usually begins with the purchase of a house, rather than raw land or commercial property. Real estate investing professionals look for all possible tax deductions because of the...
    • 3.

      Do You Want to Start a Mobile Home Remodeling Addition?

      by Remy Jirek - 2006-12-05
      A mobile home remodeling addition is a great way to add more space to your home. Most mobile homes are fairly small and it is difficult to have a growing family in one. If you own the land that your h...
    • 4.

      How to Hire a Decorative Artist for Your Home

      by Julie Hampton - 2006-12-11
      Hiring a decorative artist to work in your home is a personal experience. From the beginning planning stage to the actual process of painting, a homeowner and artist will spend many hours together. Be...
    • 5.

      Multi Functioning Furniture A Must For Game Rooms

      by Maxine Chang - 2006-12-22
      It's all the rage these days with families and couples shelling out the bucks for a new home. The women can decorate the rest of the home however they please, but… NOT THE MAN ROOM!Apparently with all...
    • 6.

      Bamboo Floor Maintenance

      by Damion Rutherford - 2007-01-02
      To reduce the amount of dust and grit brought onto your floors, install mats at all outside entryways. Make sure these mats are kept clean and in good condition as well. Be aware that oil from drivewa...
    • 7.

      Constructing A Mud Shower Pan For Tile Installations

      by Matt Cupan - 2007-01-06
      The construction methods of a mud shower pan in a tile shower remodel can make or mistake the completed installation. Faulty shower pans can lead to cracks, leaks, and an overall disaster. Follow thes...
    • 8.

      Decorating for the Living Room

      by Drew Macdonald - 2007-02-01
      The living room creates a lasting impression for all who enter. It reveals to your family and guests if you're formal and elegant or fun-loving and laid-back. The living room sets the mood for the hom...
    • 9.

      Function and Form in Kitchen Design

      by Drew23 - 2007-02-06
      Homeowners looking to improve their residence will often look to remodeling the kitchen. The kitchen offers a wide range of possible improvements. The most popular renovation for the kitchen is the co...
    • 10.

      Five Ways to Make Your Home Wonderful

      by Dennis Maier - 2007-02-06
      What is it exactly that sets one home apart from another? Why do some homes radiate such appeal even when located in the same area and of the same basic design as less attractive houses? More importan...