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  • psychosis

    • 1.

      Morgellons: Disease Am I Crazy Or What?

      by Margaret Mathews - 2006-11-13
      Envision a nightmare of horror, conspiracy, medical mystery, human suffering and yet being called crazy by your doctor or others. Imagine you might have Morgellons Disease. People who suffer...
    • 2.

      Journey Through 'Madness'

      by Dan Edmunds - 2006-12-21
      What is termed 'madness' or 'mental illness' is often the person's only means for expression of their being lost and confused in a world which has caused them deep hurt and pain. Such is not disease b...
    • 3.

      Tamiflu Psychosis

      by Maurice Ramirez - 2007-01-19
      Just when AARP magazine, and so many other well respected and widely read publications, are carrying articles about pandemic flu planning for personal homes, more bad news. This news is not for the p...
    • 4.


      by Yvonne Nahat - 2007-02-27
      I am in my apartment, crouching, my head feels like the head of the elephant man. It hurts and I gasp for air. I am on the bathroom floor on a pile of towels. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth and I l...
    • 5.

      Cybercracker War Or Strange Days And Nights

      by Yvonne Nahat - 2007-02-27
      Cybercracker War Or Strange Days and Nights Here is what I had conjured up in my hallucinatory and tormented mind: I got hijacked by a worldwide operating cyborg cracker gang called the Tellurian Houn...
    • 6.

      White Mania

      by Yvonne Nahat - 2007-02-27
      White Mania Madness is like a powerful dream. It is a desire for union with the source. Days turn into nights and nights become day. The body is all powerful the mind heart and soul are in a boundless...
    • 7.

      How To Love A Schizophrenic

      by Yvonne Nahat - 2007-02-28
      Loving a schizophrenic is almost an impossible task. The person is usually unstable, sometimes aggressive, often abusive and very hurtful. While I was going through my psychosis I alienated my husband...
    • 8.

      Dreams' Meaning: Exact Proven Scientific Translations

      by Christina Sponias - 2007-08-15
      There are too many dream interpreters and too many methods of dream interpretation, but none of them can assure you that they have really translated the exact meaning of each symbol that appeared in y...
    • 9.

      Health The Dark Side Of The Vaccination Game

      by CATYA ASILO - 2007-10-25
      New parents are regularly being advised to bring their children in for vaccinations shots. Children can be given vaccines for everything from measles to smallpox, though the latter is only rarely ...
    • 10.

      Psychosis: The Great Escape

      by Kristine - 2007-10-27
      The real world is not an entirely pleasant place, as anyone who's lived a few years can probably attest to. There are times and there are things that some people either don't want to have to dea...