by Sidnelson - 2007-07-11
The "Triangle of Relevancy" is used to describe the relationship between the text in a landing page, a sponsored advertisement and the keyword or phrase that's entered into a search engine. Goog...
by Tina Rinaudo - 2007-09-13
Promotional items can be very important for some businesses. Offering these items to customers and potential customers can both benefit the business as well as keep the customers happy. It can...
by Sidnelson - 2007-09-27
Effective online Internet marketing really boils down to generating qualified traffic to a quality site. It's a numbers game for the most part, but the emphasis should be on QUALIFIED trafficMea...
by - 2007-10-07
Whether it was a classroom raffle or a county fair, one of my favorite games was to count the beans. A jar full of beans is set on a counter and people ask you to guess how many beans are in the jar. ...
by Jack Deal - 2008-07-23
Who needs self promotional products? Anyone that is selling or promoting anything. What most self-promoters need is a way to keep their name and contact info in front of their prospects or "susp...