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  • professional traders

    • 1.

      10 Easy Steps to a More Productive Trading Day

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-04-17
      Being a successful market trader can encompass your entire life. The market bell may sound before your morning coffee is ready, and it runs through your lunchtime. When the day is over, you may be t...
    • 2.

      One Chart is Worth a Thousand Words

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-06-20
      A chart is the trader's guide to ultimate profitability. For each trading style, from scalping and day trading to swing trading and long-term investing, a chart is worth a thousand words. Professio...
    • 3.

      Are Moving Averages Really Simple to Use?

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-06-25
       Moving averages are used by amateur and professional traders alike for very rewarding results. Finding moving averages that work for you might be a difficult task, but after finding the "perfect pa...
    • 4.

      Are Moving Averages Really Simple To Use?

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-06-28
      Moving averages are used by amateur and professional traders alike for very rewarding results. Finding moving averages that work for you might be a difficult task, but after finding the "perfect pair,...
    • 5.

      What's Inside Relative Strength

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-09
      When stated in a mathematical sense, RSI seems more difficult than it actually is to both use and understand.  To evaluate the relative strength by hand, the trader must know the formula for doing s...
    • 6.

      What's Inside Relative Strength

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-09
       When stated in a mathematical sense, RSI seems more difficult than it actually is to both use and understand. To evaluate the relative strength by hand, the trader must know the formula for doing s...
    • 7.

      Navigating Your Trading Platform

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-18
       Understanding your trading platform is important to producing profits. A trading platform is the place of business for traders, where all the information of each trade is listed with charts, data, ...
    • 8.

      Trading Breakouts and Breakdowns

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-30
      Breakouts and breakdowns are extremely profitable, but mostly due to their rarity. A breakout of a trend is more likely to happen than a breakdown, where the price merely trades through the trend t...
    • 9.

      4 Powerful Pivot Point Strategies

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-31
      Pivot points used to be a favorite on Wall Street, but like other technical indicators, pivot points are time consuming to calculate. Thanks to computers and plenty of web resources, it is now possibl...
    • 10.

      Significance Of Divergence

      by Leroy Rushing - 2008-08-31
      Profitable traders know the significance of divergence; its significance is usually noted by the large movements that come after a true divergence in price and leading indicator. The most talked about...