positive parenting

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  • positive parenting

    • 1.

      10 Keys to Children's High Self-esteem

      by Michael Grose - 2006-12-12
      Self-esteem is a greater predictor of a child's success than intellectual ability or natural talent.Numerous studies support this notion. For instance, a longitudinal study by The London School of Eco...
    • 2.

      Learning About Positive Parenting And The Benefits That Last A Lifetime

      by Michelle Bery - 2006-12-27
      Raising children can be subjective and complicated. But there are many hard and fast rules that seem to bridge the gap between a myriad of parenting styles. Positive parenting - offering children posi...
    • 3.

      7 Simple Steps To Successful Parenting

      by Henrietta Joyce - 2007-01-25
      I will stop yelling at the children. I will be organised. I will spend more quality time with the children. The list is endless!! It's only a few weeks into the New Year and all the promises, decision...
    • 4.

      Positive Parenting Techniques That Raise Positive Kids

      by Kevin Heath - 2007-04-17
      It is an almost universal desire of parents to want their children to grow up in a happy and healthy environment. Most will spend plenty of time addressing how to help their kids feel loved and apprec...
    • 5.

      Parenting With Consequences Not With Punishment

      by Annabelle Rox - 2007-04-26
      Parenting in the modern age can be a particularly daunting task. We are constantly being told that smacking a child is not appropriate and that punishment in general is not effective parenting. Howeve...
    • 6.

      Essential Guidelines, Excerpt from Dear God, I Have Teenagers- Please Help!

      by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. - 2007-04-30
      A Parent or a BossParents whose teens are thriving typically relate to their teens, rather than boss them around. They put themselves in their teenagers' shoes, and pick their battles when it comes to...
    • 7.

      Parenting - A job for life

      by Rachel Harding - 2007-10-02
      Raising children is like arranging water into a square. It is a wonderful and challenging life experience. But is much harder than it looks, with patience and hope, children can mature into very emot...
    • 8.

      Good Parenting is, in many ways, simply the positive attitude you show to your children.

      by Brendan McKeogh - 2007-10-13
      As a parent, I want to bring up my children to be happy and healthy. I want them to make the most of what life has to offer, but also to be sensible and compassionate to others. I've come across l...
    • 9.

      Raising Kids Who Are Popular With Their Peers

      by Rita Offen - 2007-11-06
      As parents we want our children to be happy, and one of the most significant areas of their lives is that of friendships. Kids love to have friends, and, whatever age the child, it's a delight ...
    • 10.

      Avoid Labels and Giving Your Teenager a Bad Name

      by Sue Atkins - 2008-06-16
      'Keep on telling me what I am, and that's what I'll become'.Be careful how you describe your children to their faces, to your friends and listen to what other family members say about each other and b...