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    • 81.

      To Delegate or Not To Delegate, Why is that Such a Hard Question?

      by Beth Schneider - 2007-01-29
      Excuses, excuses, I have heard them all. "It is faster if I just do it myself." "No one does it better than me.""I don't know what to delegate.""I can't afford to hire anyone."Sound familiar? The k...
    • 82.

      Don't Just Stand There, 8 Steps to Make Things Happen

      by Beth Schneider - 2007-01-30
      Has this ever happened to you?You spend hours and hours working on a new process. You dot all the "I"s cross all the "T"s and then some how you still ended up doing it the same ole' way.You go to a fa...
    • 83.

      Time Management for the Entrepreneur

      by Jason Robert King - 2007-01-30
      I run a number of Internet businesses and often used to find myself spending hours at the computer thinking that I'm working. I'd spend my time checking web stats, reading and posting to forums, chec...
    • 84.

      Finding Someone to Prepare Your Taxes

      by Richard Chapo - 2007-01-31
      The tax code and regulations are incredibly complex, but you are assumed to know and understand them all. How scary is that? Unless you have a very simple tax situation, professional help is the way t...
    • 85.

      Planning and starting an online business

      by William King - 2007-01-31
      You will find that the basics and logic of business remain the same, regardless of whether it is an online business or offline. The difference lies in the fact that, to run an online business succe...
    • 86.

      3 Tips for Easy Meal Planning

      by Thomas Andrew - 2007-01-31
      One way to make family dinners easier to prepare is by planning ahead. Often times I find myself going to the grocery store every other day to pick up needed items, and this is how family time get...
    • 87.

      Seven Benefits Of Strategic Thinking And Planning For A New Year

      by Glenn Ebersole - 2007-01-31
      As another new calendar or fiscal year begins, it is wise to take a good hard look ahead at where your business is heading in light of the business environment of the new year. It is also wise to dev...
    • 88.

      Treating Fitness Like an Investment

      by Isaac Wilkins - 2007-02-01
      I had a discussion with a client of mine about this very thing recently and it got me thinking. Fitness is like an investment in oneself. The parallels are startling, actually. Often I see people t...
    • 89.

      Create a Plan Now to Get What You Want!

      by Thomas Straub - 2007-02-01
      To really achieve your goals, you need to create a plan so you can keep yourself on track. Creating a plan, enables you to clearly see in your mind a solid image of exactly what you want.Making a plan...
    • 90.

      Public Speaking Tips That Work

      by Steve Hill - 2007-02-02
      Now I am not sure about you, but the thought of having to make a speech in public would fill most people with dread. What if I am unable to speak? What if people think that the speech was boring? W...