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  • planning

    • 361.

      Assume the New Cost-Cutting Ideas Will Hurt Customers and Raise Costs

      by Donald Mitchell - 2008-08-01
      Most business people use the same level of skepticism about everything they consider. Some are always optimistic that things will work out. Some are always pessimistic. Most people are somewhere i...
    • 362.

      Setting and Achieving Goals: Find the Right Balance

      by Rosamunde Bott - 2008-08-03
      If you are spending a lot of time planning how to achieve goals, beware of falling into the trap of postponing action. Much is spoken and written about setting and achieving goals, but the danger is...
    • 363.

      A Good I.d.e.a. For Business Growth

      by Larry Easto - 2008-08-05
      All owners want their businesses to grow. Many of us invest time and energy into planning how we will grow our businesses. The biggest problem with growing a business is neither the lack of desire or ...
    • 364.

      Planning is key to family fun day at the beach

      by April Boone - 2008-08-14
      Perhaps it seems counterintuitive to have a checklist of things to pack for a carefree day at the beach. But a bit of careful planning can ensure each person gets the most from a day of sand and...
    • 365.

      Retirement Fitness: How To Shape Up Physically, Psychologically and Financially

      by John Trauth - 2008-08-22
      Retirement is easy, right? You just stop working and everything else will be fine. I call this the "Homer Simpson Myth." Doh! It just doesn't work that way, Homer. With life spans extending 20 to...
    • 366.

      Consider These Before You Choose a Wedding Planner

      by TM Lung - 2008-08-26
      It is very true that it is not easy to plan for a wedding. In fact, it is a very difficult task. You will need to spend a lot of time in order to plan for a perfect wedding. There are just too many i...
    • 367.

      Party Ideas, Why Hire an Event Planner

      by MARTIN PARTY - 2008-09-03
      If you are in the process of planning a wedding, anniversary party, conference, large meeting, or other large event, you know how much work event planning can be. If the details of planning you...
    • 368.

      Business, Thinking Big - A Fundamental rule for your business planning

      by WILLIAM KING - 2008-09-04
      Thinking big combined with good planning and proper implementation can bring you huge rewards. It's no more an option; it has become a must in today's business world. Gone are the days when you we...
    • 369.

      Real Estate Investment Planning and Crucial Formulas

      by James Kobzeff - 2008-09-12
      Real estate investment get-rich-quick methods upset me for a couple of reasons. They generally assume that you are going to self-manage the property yet ignore your cost of time to manage. Moreo...
    • 370.

      5 Simple Money Rules

      by Miata Edoga - 2008-09-13
      The idea of tackling their financial situation often intimidates people. They feel as if the situation is too large, too overwhelming, to be tackled, and so they adopt the Ostrich mentality (ie sticki...