pick up lines
pick up lines
by Scott Patterson - 2006-11-30
For most guys, it's pretty hard to go up to an attractive woman and start a conversation. That is why many of them use corny pick up lines in attempt to start talking to them.But what usually happens...
by Caroline Therancy - 2006-12-04
My answer is yes.I was in a bar with a male friend a while back. I was sharing about the few the cute guys that I would have liked to have a conversation with. I added that I was finding it difficult ...
by Scott Patterson - 2006-12-06
Imagine this…...You're out drinking somewhere with your friends. Across the room, you see a very attractive woman. You want to go talk to her, but you can't think of anything to say. Unfortun...
by Jason Gold - 2006-12-10
Warning: These chat up lines will almost never work and will most probably earn you a whack on the face. Whatever happens, don't use them. They are for reference purposes only. Make a note of the type...
by Erik Michaels - 2007-01-22
When initiating conversations, it may seem like a good idea to use a standard pickup line to avoid the effort of coming up with something genuine to say to a girl who interests you. It's a lot easier ...
by Spencer Steele - 2007-01-24
Throughout history men have tried every technique available to pick up women. Some guys use a straight forward approach and others use cheesy pick-up lines. Lately a new trend has been emerging that s...
by Rion Williams - 2007-01-03
Did you know that there is actually a 'pre-game' to the dating game? It's the part where most guys fail with women and it happens right up front. It's also the hardest thing to see unless you know ...
by Scott Patterson - 2007-03-11
Imagine this…You see a good looking woman standing there with her friends. She seems interesting and you really want to make a great first impression. And you know if you say the right line, you'll ...
by - 2007-11-14
What do men know about women?In short, not much!Hi, my name is Terry Leslie, and over the coming weeks and months I will be revealing what I have learnt from practical experience over the years ...
by Terry Leslie - 2007-11-23
Attractive women continually test us men by seeing how much they can get away with things as they are use to getting anything they want. Most guys being the gentleman they are, give in and give ...