personal trainer
personal trainer
by Scott White - 2006-11-30
Many people have the desire to get into shape, lose weight, and increase bone mass. The health benefits of having a fit body are so numerous that it is a wonder why so many people do no take the plung...
by James Penn - 2006-12-03
Firstly, you need to ask these 5 important questions:1.What are your qualifications?Make sure you ask the trainer about their qualifications and experience to make sure they know what they are doing a...
by James Penn - 2006-12-03
Having a Personal Trainer will help you tremendously and has many benefits to helping you achieve your goal.The top 5 benefits are:ResultsAll too often, people are put off by an exercise program becau...
by Kelly Gregozeski - 2006-12-06
Our bodies are our own personal transportation devices. Of course these magnificent vehicles need fuel much like automobiles need gasoline. For our bodies, the fuel comes from calories in food. A ...
by Jerry Goodwin - 2006-12-29
Most people should hire a Personal Trainer at some point during their fitness quest. A good trainer will help motivate and will educate the individual on the proper form and the proper use of various ...
by Scott White - 2007-01-03
You wouldn't ask your hairstylist to diagnose a mechanical problem on your car would you? Of course not, unless they're also a certified mechanic on the side. Why then ask your doctor about exercise w...
by John Christian Sebastian - 2007-01-05
Do you need a personal trainer? That is the first question that you should be asking yourself. The answer is quite simple… If you walk into the gym and feel lost or confused, then you definitely need...
by Kelly Gregozeski - 2007-01-07
So it's a New Year. Many of us decide to make a resolution of personal improvement each January. One of the most common resolutions is to start an exercise program. In order to stay safe there are ...
by Phatguru - 2007-01-26
Of all places, I found my first personal trainer in my Ordinary/Partial Differential Equations class. Big Tony was the body-building math major who took all willing science nerds under his wing on...
by Chaney Weiner - 2007-01-30
In general the reputation of personal trainers isn't so favorable. There are many reasons for this and they include: competence, work ethic, experience, do they practice what they preach, how much the...