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  • pay per click marketing

    • 1.

      Google Adwords Profits

      by Robert Walter - 2006-11-29
      Adwords has become such a great place to pull in sales. The biggest advantage of Adwords is speed. You can get your message in front of thousands of people in as little as 15 minutes. You can split te...
    • 2.

      Is Google Adwords a Scam?

      by Robert Walter - 2006-11-29
      A lot of advertisers have lost money with Adwords. If you visit the forums you can come across a lot of people who have given up on Adwords. Some of them think it's a scam. The fact is that Adwords pu...
    • 3.

      Stop Wasting Your Money With Google Adwords

      by Robert Walter - 2006-12-01
      I don't want to discourage anyone from using Adwords. It is a great medium for getting exposure for your business. I would like to discuss a few common money wasting mistakes that newbies make when th...
    • 4.

      Pay Per Click- The Ultimate Method To Bring Traffic To An Online Business

      by Anthony Samuel - 2006-12-02
      A Successful Strategy For Online BusinessThe buzzword in today's Internet marketing strategy is Pay Per Click campaigns. This method is a proven and simple tactic to attract huge volumes of prospectiv...
    • 5.

      How to Write a Traffic Pulling Ad for Adwords

      by Robert Walter - 2006-12-05
      When writing ads for Google Adwords you want a title that grabs attention. You should put your keyword in the title. I also advise putting the keyword in the body and if possible in the display URL. Y...
    • 6.

      Beat Adwords By Targeting The Right Prospects

      by Robert Walter - 2006-12-11
      Are you profiting from your Adwords campaign? If not here is a huge mistake that a lot of marketers are making - not targeting their prospects properly. You will find the most lucrative markets are th...
    • 7.

      Using Adwords For Affiliate Marketing

      by Robert Walter - 2006-12-11
      So you have a website promoting your favorite affiliate products and now you need traffic. The fastest way to get high quality traffic is Google Adwords. After you create your account your ads can be ...
    • 8.

      A Guide to successful pay per click marketing

      by Steve Waganer - 2006-09-07
      Pay per click, as the term itself suggests, is a form of advertising that makes use of keywords for popularizing your business on the web. To make a success of your pay per click marketing you need...
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      by Sky Joe - 2006-11-07
      PPC stands for Pay Per Click - a popular advertising technique on the Internet. Found on websites, advertising networks, and especially on search engines, PPC advertising involves sponsored links t...
    • 10.

      Maximum Website Promotion through Pay Per Click Bid Management

      by Sky Joe - 2006-11-23
      Tools for Internet Marketing have been rising to popularity these days because of cost-effectiveness and the possibility of measuring increase in profits and sales.Pay per click (PPC) is a means to...