by Nick Johnson - 2007-03-22
When Hurricane Katrina dropped her massive devastation on the coast of Louisiana and Texas, the property loss was astronomical. Homes, businesses, and buildings were completely destroyed, leaving behi...
by Robert Hilley - 2007-03-24
WHY YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR NEWBORN IF YOU USE PAXILExpectant mothers once took prescription medication, drank alcohol (moderately) and smoked cigarettes, as well as illegal drugs…all while...
by Robert Hilley - 2007-03-25
Paxil is a brand name of the drug paroxetine and is an example of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI for short). These are a special class of drugs that are specifically designed to manipu...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
Filing a lawsuit in Texas is not as hard as one may think it is. If you have been the victim of a Paxil side effect or a Paxil related illness, then you should contact a Paxil attorney who can help yo...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
Paxil is an antidepressant medication that has been prescribed to patients for more than fifteen years. Since 2001, Paxil has been the focus of thousands of lawsuits because the drug maker hid or mis...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
Did you know that the antidepressant drug known as Paxil is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication (also called SSRI) and is generally prescribed for patients who are suffering from depression, anx...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
It is now being discovered that the antidepressant medication known as Paxil is more deadly than helpful. As the matter of fact, Paxil has recently been given the street name of "suicide" pills. This ...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
Fen-Phen (or Phen-Fen) is a combination of the drugs fenfluramine (Pondimin) and phentermine (Fastin) used to treat obesity. The use of Fen-Phen has been associated with serious medical conditions, s...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
The use of the diet drug known as fen-phen has resulted in serious medical and neuropsychological complications. Fen-phen is actually the term referring to the combination of two drugs, fenfluramine ...
by Nick Johnson - 2007-04-11
The use of Fen-Phen, a combination of the drugs fenfluramine (Pondimin) and phentermine (Fastin), has been associated with serious medical complications that include valvular heart disease (damaged he...