by Paul Shearstone - 2006-11-30
Email is to process what the internet is to information and business -- Too Much!On any given day when I start work, I can look forward to my morning ritual of sifting through one or 500 email spams I...
by Jay Nault - 2006-12-15
Paul McCartney tickets, in one form or another, have been available for decades. McCartney's life is one of the most interesting in the music world, and his music is revered. Even now, as he nears his...
by Cory L. Kemp - 2007-05-17
The ABC network recently offered up what appeared to be an interesting program promising discussion about faith in the United States. While I prepared for a yard sale I was hosting on my front lawn th...
by Dan Bimrose - 2007-05-30
First of all we should all appreciate the soldiers who have given their lives for our country and our freedom. That should go without saying. That is the true spirit of Memorial DayTo many of us...
by Keith Abbott - 2007-06-20
Many Christians love Astrology, Numerology, and other forms of Divination, but feel guilty about it. Many churches preach against the use of these arts. Did you know that the Bible actually approves o...
by Windmill Ministries - 2007-09-17
Paul, the great apostle who founded churches throughout Asia and Europe, whose missionary spirit fills the book of Acts, and who wrote much of the New Testament was initially a fanatic Christian kille...
by Patrick Roberts - 2007-11-22
Jesus likened God's kingdom to a farmer who plants seed in the ground and trusts that the seed will grow even though he doesn't understand why or how the seed grows. Christ also likens God's kin...
by Patrick Roberts - 2007-11-28
Anyone can read the Bible and discover that Christ equips the different members of His church for different purposes. There are even a few lists that the apostle Paul rattles off in his letters,...
by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-04-29
When a new member of Congress is sworn in, they are given a copy of Jefferson's Bible: otherwise known as, The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth! It is thusly called the "Congressional Bible". Pat ...
by David Seragih - 2008-05-12
When God wants a revival, He sends a man or a woman out - a person whom He can promote and give authority to rule. John the Baptist was an example of one such man sent out by God to prepare the way fo...