by Amelie Mag - 2007-01-03
Referring to sacred geometry, we may define it as a belief according to which some of the fundamental forms of space and time, beginning with the most minuscule fragments in nature, embody spiritual v...
by Kathy Passarette - 2007-01-06
A good way to decide on a paint color is to look at what else you have going on in the room. Is there existing furniture you will be working with? A rug? Art? Bedding? These are called "inspiratio...
by Sharon White - 2007-01-24
Human norms and behavior patterns have greatly changed since the past centuries. Abnormal behavior needs to be re--studied now.Psychological normality is the average or ideal or the state of a pers...
by Stanley Stanton - 2007-02-17
I have found that some steelhead flies work better on some rivers but don't work so well on other rivers. Several instances come mind that helps to point out this fact. One happened about 15 years ag...
by Andrea Ghilardelli - 2007-02-21
For a picture to look beautiful, many elements can concur. One of these elements is form. For a better understanding of what form is, imagine a black and white photograph. Without color, form is the p...
by Marinda Van Zyl - 2007-03-10
Depth of field (DOF) is the distance in front of and beyond the subject that appears to be in focus. It is influenced by three factors:• The smaller the aperture (higher f-stop like f16), the greater...
by Karensvariety - 2007-05-09
My home growing up was with filled with Hardanger embroidery. When I was older, I realized what a treasure these linens were and I now keep them carefully stored and display them for special occ...
by Karensvariety - 2007-05-09
Coils are easy to crochet and can be used to make many different accessories and toys. Remember those cute toy dolls with arms and legs like springs.Different yarns produce different sizes of co...
by Sam Dunster - 2007-06-07
Unbelievably, zone lighting is the best way to characterize a room.However, you will find a lot of houses are just happy with their one point regular lighting. They don't know how proper lighting ...
by meeinter - 2007-06-15
Some of the basic and natural wonders of life are not so magical. The truth is that some of these things we could all do without. Take male and female pattern baldness for instance. No one wants this!...