patricia hawke
patricia hawke
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-20
Nearly two years ago, in the fall of 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged her way through New Orleans. Not only were homes, families, businesses, and business owners drastically affected by the storm, so w...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-20
Nashville Schools have been around for a long, long time. The first of the public Nashville Schools, the Hume School, was opened on February 26, 1855. A three-story brick building, it housed 12 teache...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
It's a rare occurrence when both of the state's teachers' unions and the governor come to an agreement on funding. That's exactly what Illinois Schools experienced in March of this year when Governor ...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
Pittsburgh Schools are still fully embroiled in the high school reforms enacted in 2006. A task force, with goals are similar to those of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, is currently leading th...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
So often these days, it seems that schools are only in the news for their failures. Journalists love to write about the sensational news of school violence or poor test scores. Well, out west in Phoen...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
Philadelphia Schools are in dire need of reform. In an effort to achieve this goal, two committees, The Right to Education Task Force and The School Reform Commission, have been formed to focus on imp...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
Any school district, whether it serves the tiniest of rural communities, or the students of a huge city, must effectively communicate with its parents. Individual schools stay in touch with families m...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
Recent education reforms in the state of Florida have shown to be of benefit to the students in Orange County Schools. The reforms have hit their intended target - low-income minority kids.More studen...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
Oklahoma City Schools have ridden a roller coaster of ups and downs for the past decade. The district was labeled as "in need of improvement" under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). That fe...
by Patricia Hawke - 2007-06-26
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act has triggered nationwide changes. In Ohio Schools there is an ongoing effort to update the system in four basic ways. The reform process in Ohio Schools has worked ...