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  • patents

    • 1.

      Introduction To Copyrights, Patents, And Trademarks

      by Deepak Dutta - 2006-12-18
      What is a copyright? Can everything be copyrighted? A copyright is the expression of an idea. The idea itself is not copyrighted. Ideas can be patented and I will talk about patents later.Let's consid...
    • 2.

      5 Ways to Protect Your Idea-for Less than $30

      by Dan Stalfire - 2007-01-19
      For all of the people out there who can't afford the $5,000 for a patent this book is for you. Even if you can afford the cost and you would just like to add some extra protection you have come to the...
    • 3.

      What are Genetically Modified Foods?

      by Davinos Greeno - 2007-01-03
      It is difficult to think of another technology that has caused as much debate or concern as that of genetic engineering (GE) with food.Should patents on plants, animals and humans, as well as paten...
    • 4.

      Theory into Action - Calculating Damages Payments and Accounts of Profits in Patent Cases

      by L Ellis - 2007-02-11
      It is all well and good to be encouraged to apply and obtain for patent protection. The main remedies for patent infringement are a narrow injunction to prevent future instances of the infringement, a...
    • 5.

      Why A Patent Lawyer Can Be An Inventor's Best Friend

      by Gregg Hall - 2007-02-13
      Some may think that brilliant men like Thomas Edison and Nicolai Tesla are rare these days but I know better. As a matter of fact I have a friend who is a certifiable genius inventor, inventing things...
    • 6.

      Marketing Business Advice How To Get Started With Your First Invention

      by ROBERT STEWART - 2007-04-26
      So, a little light bulb inside you head has lit up and you are struck with the idea that you invented something. You are not sure yet how practical your idea is at this time, but something tel...
    • 7.

      Advice Law Science & Technology Patenting - the basics for new inventors

      by STEPHEN SZIRMAI - 2007-05-08
      If you are serious about an idea and want to see it turned into a fully fledged invention, it is essential to obtain some form of patent protection, at least to the 'patent pending' status. Withou...
    • 8.

      Global IP Outsourcing Services Provider in India

      by Vinod Singh - 2007-05-21
      Patents had been long identified as most valuable informational source of the technical and competitive informations. During the last few years these have gained a lot more attention. Due to increase ...
    • 9.

      Patents For Inventors - Your Questions Answered!

      by Brian R. Rayve, Esq. - 2007-06-04
      Are you confused about what a patent is and whether you should get one? This is a primer for beginning inventors that answers your most commonly asked questions.1) What is a patent?A patent is ...
    • 10.

      Buying A Website - Problems with Intellectual Property

      by Richard Chapo - 2007-06-18
      There are many ways to make money online including buying another website that may be a competitor or compliment to yours. When doing so, you need to watch out for IP problems. The creation of a...