parental control software
parental control software
by Chris Derenberger - 2006-12-17
Parental Control Software such as Safe Eyes, is a set of tools that allows parents to control what our family views and does on the Internet. Did you know that by the age of eleven, 80% of children ha...
by Rob Pirozzi - 2006-12-28
Parental control software is software that can help parents protect their children when they are online. Software to help keep children safe online comes in two forms: Monitoring software Filt...
by Chris Derenberger - 2007-02-02
Parental Control Software for your PC offers many features to protect and even monitor your family or employees online. Why would someone want to monitor their family? For starters, some spouses may t...
by Gordon Ansell - 2007-03-07
Vendor SillinessWhy do vendors keep on pumping out Parental Control Software whose logs you can't see without logging onto the child's computer?I don't know if you have Parental Control Software, but ...
by Hugh De Payen - 2007-04-17
In the fight against Internet predators and unsuitable content, Parental Control Software is a powerful weapon. It provides a hassle-free way for parents to keep their children safe. This article look...
by Iprwire Staff Writer - 2007-04-23
The world we live in today is full of dangers that are now much closer to our children - maybe more than we realize. The Internet is great for business, banking, and for a whole host of other reasons ...
by Matt Collins - 2007-06-09
Despite our best efforts as parents to protect our kids from the dangers lurking on the internet, it appears that we are still losing ground. According to a 2006 study performed by the U.S. Department...
by Kelly Liyakasa - 2007-06-13
Parental Internet Safety Tips Copyright (c) 2007 Kelly Liyakasa Like most families in 2007, your family probably has at least one computer in the home, if not more. Many children and teens have w...
by KELLY KITA - 2007-06-13
Parental Internet Safety Tips Copyright (c) 2007 Kelly Liyakasa Like most families in 2007, your family probably has at least one computer in the home, if not more. Many children and teen...
by Richard Seng - 2007-06-14
Are your children spending to much time on the computer. Is it impossible to get them to stop playing games? Do you have the time to sit there and supervise your children? Would it be nice for your ch...