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  • panic disorder

    • 1.

      An Explanation of Anxiety Disorders and Their Treatments

      by Shane Baxter - 2006-12-01
      Anxiety is a common feeling for most people at some point or another. When fear, nervousness or worry become a chronic problem, however, they can progress into a more serious anxiety disorder.While an...
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      How To Spot Anxiety Problems

      by Shane Baxter - 2006-12-06
      It has been said that almost 1 in 60 people in our society suffer from anxiety at one point or another. It's not always identified properly, however, so it is important to know what causes anxiety and...
    • 3.

      Anxiety and Panic Disorders Defined

      by George Ferguson - 2006-12-09
      The strict definition of anxiety is a combination of emotions such as fear and apprehension. It can lead to other problems, including physical conditions such as nausea, chills, trembling, chest pain ...
    • 4.

      Find an Anxiety Treatment That Works for you and Stick With it

      by Abigail Franks - 2006-12-19
      This may come as a shock to you, but professionals such as doctors, lawyers psychological counselors, music teachers, etc. do not know everything there is to know about all the available information i...
    • 5.

      Free yourself From the Agony of Anxiety Disorder Now With Effective Treatment

      by Thomas Bronson - 2007-01-06
      Anxiety is a normal and natural emotional response to a threatening condition. Feeling of nervousness, fear and unease affects just every one of us at some stage of life or another, whether at a speec...
    • 6.

      Dealing with Panic Disorder

      by Tommy Thompson - 2007-01-20
      At least 1.6 percent of adult Americans, or 3 million people, will have panic disorder at some time in their lives. Panic disorder is a serious health problem and is very different from other types of...
    • 7.

      What To Do When You Feel a Panic Attack Coming Part 1: the Demon Analogy

      by Lindsay Kiriakos - 2007-01-28
      Notice: The following is presented for informational purposes only. Assessment and treatment should always be directed through one-on-one consultation with a trained professional.This is one of my fav...
    • 8.

      What To Do When You Feel a Panic Attack Coming Part 2: The Shields

      by Lindsay Kiriakos - 2007-01-28
      Benzodiazepines (ie Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium): These are usually the most immediately powerful of all of the coping techniques. It usually takes about 20 minutes for benzodiazepines to kick i...
    • 9.

      What To Do When You Feel a Panic Attack Coming Part 3: Facing the Demon

      by Lindsay Kiriakos - 2007-01-28
      Exposures involve voluntarily bringing on a mild to moderate level of anxiety In other words, exposures show you ways to face the demon, challenge him head on, and kill him once and for all.There are ...
    • 10.

      Identifying And Overcoming Phobias

      by Shane Baxter - 2007-02-09
      Many phobias have their roots in childhood. It could be something you were scared of as a child, both real or imagined. Fear of the dark, fear of spider, fear of the unknown - these are all common chi...