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  • overcoming

    • 21.

      Why Do Some People Call Money The God Of Evil?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-07-26
      Why do some people call money the god of evil? Money, like anything else in this world, can be used for good or evil purposes. Some religions teach that poverty is a sign of holiness, but this...
    • 22.

      Super Tips for Overcoming Shyness in the Workplace

      by Peter Murphy - 2007-08-03
      You probably know someone in the workplace who has a problem with shyness. You know them - the introvert who never leaves his cubicle and even takes snacks and his lunch there. Some people are so shy ...
    • 23.

      Overcoming Shyness - Practical Solutions That Work

      by Peter Murphy - 2007-08-06
      Shyness can be an unbearable problem, threatening to ruin your social life. It causes a lot of pain and makes you hold back from mingling with people.Before fighting or overcoming shyness, you must al...
    • 24.

      Why Is There Fear Of Punishment In Religion?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-08-03
      Why is there fear of punishment in religion? We are told if we don't follow all the commandments, if we don't read the Bible x amount of minutes and pray x number of hours, God will be displeas...
    • 25.

      What Is Grace?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-08-10
      What is thought of when we say the word Grace? Maybe the song "Amazing Grace." Perhaps we think that grace was only sufficient enough to get us saved.But grace is more than a song. It's more...
    • 26.

      How Do I Be Consistent In God's Word?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-08-17
      Question: I'm having trouble being consistent in valuing God's Word. Suggestions?First of all, why is it important for us to value God's Word? To put it first place in our lives? God's Word, ...
    • 27.

      What Are You Thinking?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-08-24
      Does a weak mind attack others' faults? Yes.Our minds are the battlefield. They are the places where our battles are won or lost. If we can take control of them, we will take control of our live...
    • 28.

      Christian Spiritual Self Improvement How Do We Forgive?

      by ANNAGAIL LYNES - 2007-09-04
      How do we forgive those who trespass against us? The Bible makes it clear that if we do not forgive, God will not forgive us (Mark 11:26). Why is it necessary to forgive? It is necess...
    • 29.

      Overcoming Self-Criticism

      by Garold N. Larson - 2007-09-20
      When you look in the mirror are you happy with who you see? If you are like most people you will tend to see your own faults over your qualities. It's amazing how critical and judgmental we can be...
    • 30.

      Does God Heal?

      by Annagail Lynes - 2007-09-21
      Do you believe by praying to God, some minor psychological disorders can be cured?Yes, I do, but most importantly, why do I believe it?I believe not only in the power of prayer but also in God's...