overcoming procrastination

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  • overcoming procrastination

    • 1.

      A To Z Tips With Another A

      by Alan Searing - 2006-12-22
      Attract Are you attracting the right things into your life? The Law of Attraction states that you will always attract positive or negative, people and circumstances that are in harmony with your domin...
    • 2.

      A Short But Accurate Definition Of Procrastination

      by Deon Du Plessis - 2007-02-12
      We've all experienced procrastination at some point in our lives. For some it's something that comes and goes while for others it is a frustrating habit that often prevents them from ever achieving an...
    • 3.

      The Three Strangest Reasons For Procrastination

      by Deon Du Plessis - 2007-02-13
      Have you ever wondered why you procrastinate? Procrastination is indeed a very strange behaviour and is a trap that all of us tend to fall into from time to time. On a conscious level you might want t...
    • 4.

      Five Empowering Procrastination Tips

      by Deon Du Plessis - 2007-02-25
      One of the most destructive effects of procrastination is the fact that it makes you feel out of control. Procrastination is like an 'invisible force' that keeps you from doing the very things you kno...
    • 5.

      Antidotes For The Procrastination Epidemic

      by Maurine Patten - 2007-03-05
      Copyright © 2007 Maurine PattenOne of the most common requests I hear from clients is, "Help me stop procrastinating." It seems as if procrastination is a problem for people of all ages - from school...
    • 6.

      Overcoming Procrastination - 3 Top Strategies

      by Sean LeMay - 2007-03-06
      What ways are there of overcoming procrastination?Often the main reason for people procrastinating is they feel that they absolutely have to do something. So when someone tells them self that they ha...
    • 7.

      Overcoming Procrastination: Pressing Past Your Fears

      by Colleen Kettenhofen - 2007-03-20
      "Learn to see failure as a stepping stone to your personal progress." Colleen KettenhofenMany of us procrastinate doing something for many reasons. Sometimes it's a result of perfectionism. We reason ...
    • 8.

      Overcoming Procrastination - A Few Handy Tips

      by Jason Samuels - 2007-04-12
      Tip # 66 Father / mother issues?One of the worst kinds of procrastination is when you carry resentment from childhood into adolescence and into adulthood. Here you are in your 40's and that childhood...
    • 9.

      Overcoming Procrastination - Understanding Why You Procrastinate

      by Tri Bros Broda - 2007-04-12
      There are several reasons why people procrastinate instead of finishing work right there and then: fear of the results, perfectionism, boredom, anger, ill health, distractions, misinformation and even...
    • 10.

      Overcoming Procrastination: Tips For Overcoming Procrastination

      by MattR - 2007-05-05
      Procrastination, is a behavior or habit of waiting until the last minute or putting off completing a task. Procrastination can become a major issue to overcome in your personal and professional life. ...